I am trying get NSData object with the vCard representation of the contact. My code:
let contactStore = CNContactStore()
let fetchRequest = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch: [CNContactGivenNameKey, CNContactFamilyNameKey])
var contacts = [CNContact]()
var vcard = NSData()
try contactStore.enumerateContactsWithFetchRequest(fetchRequest) { (contact, status) -> Void in
self.fetchRequest.unifyResults = true
} catch {
print("Error \(error)")
do {
try vcard = CNContactVCardSerialization.dataWithContacts(contacts)
} catch {
print("Error \(error)")
But, i get error:
Exception writing contacts to vCard (data): A property was not requested when contact was fetched. Error NilError.
I understand that the error in the access to contacts, but how to fix it?
I found the solution and it work:
let contactStore = CNContactStore()
var contacts = [CNContact]()
var vcardFromContacts = NSData()
let fetchRequest = CNContactFetchRequest(keysToFetch:[CNContactVCardSerialization.descriptorForRequiredKeys()])
try contactStore.enumerateContactsWithFetchRequest(fetchRequest, usingBlock: {
contact, cursor in
} catch {
print("Get contacts \(error)")
// Returns the vCard representation of the specified contacts
do {
try vcardFromContacts = CNContactVCardSerialization.dataWithContacts(contacts)
} catch {
print("vcardFromContacts \(error)")
But, whet i returns the contacts from the vCard data:
do {
try contactsFromVcard = CNContactVCardSerialization.contactsWithData(vcardFromContacts)
} catch {
print("contactsFromVcard \(error)")
field contact imageData has nil. Though it not nil.