Two-channel recording on the iPhone/iPad: headset + built-in mic

末鹿安然 提交于 2019-12-22 08:08:40


For an app, we have a requirement to record from two different audio sources. One mic is a special (throat) mic and it comes with the same connector that the iPhone headset with mic uses.

On a second channel, we would like to record the ambient sounds and the best thing would be if we could just record from the iPhone's/iPad's built-in mic at the same time as we record from the throat mic headset.

Is there any way this is possible? Any other tips?


The OS currently only allows an app to connect to one audio source route at a time. The only way to record 2-channels on a stock iOS device is by using an Apple USB to Lightning connector (Camera Connection kit on older models) with a standard USB stereo ADC or an audio mixing panel which has multiple mic inputs.


I have found some FAQ on Apple library about how to choose data source from different microphone port, maybe these will be helpful:

iOS 7 offers developers more flexibility in terms of selecting specific built-in microphones.

Using APIs introduced in iOS 7, developers can perform tasks such as locating a port description that represents the built-in microphone, locating specific microphones like the "front", "back" or "bottom", setting your choice of microphone as the preferred data source, setting the built-in microphone port as the preferred input and even selecting a preferred microphone polar pattern if the hardware supports it. See AVAudioSession.h.

Listing 1 demonstrates how applications can find the AVAudioSessionPortDescription that represents the built-in microphone, locate the front microphone (on iPhone 5 or another device that has a front facing microphone), set the front microphone as the preferred data source and set the built-in microphone port as the preferred input.

Listing 1  Demonstrate Input Selection.

#import <AVFoundation/AVAudioSession.h>
- (void) demonstrateInputSelection
    NSError* theError = nil;
    BOOL result = YES;
    AVAudioSession* myAudioSession = [AVAudioSession sharedInstance];
    result = [myAudioSession setCategory:AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord error:&theError];
    if (!result)
        NSLog(@"setCategory failed");
    result = [myAudioSession setActive:YES error:&theError];
    if (!result)
        NSLog(@"setActive failed");
    // Get the set of available inputs. If there are no audio accessories attached, there will be
    // only one available input -- the built in microphone.
    NSArray* inputs = [myAudioSession availableInputs];
    // Locate the Port corresponding to the built-in microphone.
    AVAudioSessionPortDescription* builtInMicPort = nil;
    for (AVAudioSessionPortDescription* port in inputs)
        if ([port.portType isEqualToString:AVAudioSessionPortBuiltInMic])
            builtInMicPort = port;
    // Print out a description of the data sources for the built-in microphone
    NSLog(@"There are %u data sources for port :\"%@\"", (unsigned)[builtInMicPort.dataSources count], builtInMicPort);
    NSLog(@"%@", builtInMicPort.dataSources);
    // loop over the built-in mic's data sources and attempt to locate the front microphone
    AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescription* frontDataSource = nil;
    for (AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescription* source in builtInMicPort.dataSources)
        if ([source.orientation isEqual:AVAudioSessionOrientationFront])
            frontDataSource = source;
    } // end data source iteration
    if (frontDataSource)
        NSLog(@"Currently selected source is \"%@\" for port \"%@\"", builtInMicPort.selectedDataSource.dataSourceName, builtInMicPort.portName);
        NSLog(@"Attempting to select source \"%@\" on port \"%@\"", frontDataSource, builtInMicPort.portName);
        // Set a preference for the front data source.
        theError = nil;
        result = [builtInMicPort setPreferredDataSource:frontDataSource error:&theError];
        if (!result)
            // an error occurred. Handle it!
            NSLog(@"setPreferredDataSource failed");
    // Make sure the built-in mic is selected for input. This will be a no-op if the built-in mic is
    // already the current input Port.
    theError = nil;
    result = [myAudioSession setPreferredInput:builtInMicPort error:&theError];
    if (!result)
        // an error occurred. Handle it!
        NSLog(@"setPreferredInput failed");

Listing 1 will produce the following console output when run on an iPhone 5:

There are 3 data sources for port :"<AVAudioSessionPortDescription: 0x14d935a0, type = MicrophoneBuiltIn; name = iPhone Microphone; UID = Built-In Microphone; selectedDataSource = Bottom>"
    "<AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescription: 0x14d93800, ID = 1835216945; name = Bottom>",
    "<AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescription: 0x14d938d0, ID = 1835216946; name = Front>",
    "<AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescription: 0x14d93a10, ID = 1835216947; name = Back>"
Currently selected source is "Bottom" for port "iPhone Microphone"
Attempting to select source "<AVAudioSessionDataSourceDescription: 0x14d938d0, ID = 1835216946; name = Front>" on port "iPhone Microphone”


Use the code in the front I can set the specific built-in mic on iPhone to record sound, now I’m trying to change the specific mic on iPhone frequently to simulate a stereo record.

