NHibernate HQL Generator to support SQL Server 2016 temporal tables

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-22 01:13:46


I am trying to implement basic support for SQL Server 2016 temporal tables in NHibernate 4.x. The idea is to alter SQL statement from

SELECT * FROM Table t0


SELECT * FROM Table FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2018-01-16 00:00:00' t0

You can find more info about temporal tables in SQL Server 2016 here

Unfortunately, I've not found any way to insert FOR FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '...' statement between table name and its alias. I'm not sure if custom dialects supports this. The only working solution I have for now is to append FOR SYSTEM_TIME statement within extra WHERE and my output SQL looks like this

SELECT * FROM Table t0 WHERE FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '2018-01-16 00:00:00'=1

To do so, I have implemented generator and dialect as follows:

public static class AuditableExtensions
    public static bool AsOf(this IAuditable entity, DateTime date)
        return true;

    public static IQueryable<T> Query<T>(this ISession session, DateTime asOf) where T : IAuditable
        return session.Query<T>().Where(x => x.AsOf(asOf));

public class ForSystemTimeGenerator : BaseHqlGeneratorForMethod
    public static readonly string ForSystemTimeAsOfString = "FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF";

    public ForSystemTimeGenerator()
        SupportedMethods = new[]
            ReflectionHelper.GetMethod(() => AuditableExtensions.AsOf(null, DateTime.MinValue))

    public override HqlTreeNode BuildHql(MethodInfo method, Expression targetObject, 
        ReadOnlyCollection<Expression> arguments,
        HqlTreeBuilder treeBuilder, 
        IHqlExpressionVisitor visitor)
        return treeBuilder.BooleanMethodCall(nameof(AuditableExtensions.AsOf), new[]

public class MsSql2016Dialect : MsSql2012Dialect
    public MsSql2016Dialect()
        RegisterFunction(nameof(AuditableExtensions.AsOf), new SQLFunctionTemplate(
            $"{ForSystemTimeGenerator.ForSystemTimeAsOfString} ?1?2=1"));

Can anyone provide any better approach or samples I could use to move forward and insert FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF statement between table name and its alias? At this moment the only solution I can see is to alter SQL in OnPrepareStatement in SessionInterceptor but I believe there is some better approach...


There is information on using temporal tables with NHibernate in the NHibernate Reference 5.1 at NHibernate Reference

The example in section 19.1 shows how to use temporal tabvles:

First define a filter:

<filter-def name="effectiveDate">
<filter-param name="asOfDate" type="date"/>

Then attach this to a class:

<class name="Employee" table="Employee For System_Time All" ...>
   <many-to-one name="Department" column="dept_id" class="Department"/>
   <property name="EffectiveStartDate" type="date" column="eff_start_dt"/>
   <property name="EffectiveEndDate" type="date" column="eff_end_dt"/>
   Note that this assumes non-terminal records have an eff_end_dt set to
   a max db date for simplicity-sake
   <filter name="effectiveDate"
   condition=":asOfDate BETWEEN eff_start_dt and eff_end_dt"/>

Then you need to enable the filter on the session:

   ISession session = ...;
   session.EnableFilter("effectiveDate").SetParameter("asOfDate", DateTime.Today);
   var results = session.CreateQuery("from Employee as e where e.Salary > :targetSalary")
   .SetInt64("targetSalary", 1000000L)

Hope this gets people started.


Create an UDF (with the desired time as a parameter) and call it instead of using the table directly.


    @String2 NVARCHAR(100) ,
    @DateTime DATETIME= '2018-01-16 00:00:00';

 SET @String1 = 'SELECT * FROM Table2';
 SET @String2 = @String1 + ' FOR SYSTEM_TIME AS OF '''
 + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), @DateTime, 120) + '''';
 SELECT  @String2;

