I am wondering how to set the data pins on a parallel port high and low. I believe I could use PyParallel for this, but I am unsure how to set a specific pin.
You're talking about a software-hardware interface here. They are usually set low and high by assigning a 1-byte value to a register. A parallel port has 8 pins for data to travel across. In a low level language like C, C++, there would be a register, lets call it 'A', somewhere holding 8 bits corresponding to the 8 pins of data. So for example:
Assuming resgister A is setup like pins: [7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
C-like pseudocode
A=0x00 // all pins are set low
A=0xFF // all pins are high
A=0xF0 // Pins 0:3 are low, Pins 4:7 are high
This idea follows through with PyParallel
import parallel
p = parallel.Parallel() # open LPT1
p.setData(0x55) #<--- this is your bread and butter here
p.setData is the function you're interested in. 0x55 converted to binary is
[L H L H L H L H]
So now you can set the data to a certain byte, but how would I sent a bunch of data... lets say 3 bytes 0x00, 0x01, 0x02? Well you need to watch the ack line for when the receiving machine has confirmed receipt of whatever was just sent.
A naive implementation:
data=[0x00, 0x01, 0x02]
while data:
p.setDataStrobe('low') #signal that we're sending data
while p.getInAcknowledge() == 'high': #wait for this line to go 'low'
# to indicate an ACK
pass #we're waiting for it to acknowledge...
p.setDataStrobe('high')#Ok, we're done sending that byte.
Ok, that doesn't directly answer your question. Lets say i ONLY want to set pin 5 high or low. Maybe I have an LED on that pin. Then you just need a bit of binary operations.
portState = 0b01100000 #Somehow the parallel port has this currently set
newportState = portState | 0b00010000#<-- this is called a bitmask
print newportState
>>> 0b011*1*0000
Now lets clear that bit...
newportState = 0b01110000
clearedPin5 = newportState & 11101111
print clearedPin5
>>> 0b011*0*0000
If these binary operations are foreign, I recommend this excellent tutorial over on avrfreaks. I would become intimate with them before progressing further. Embedded software concepts like these are full of bitmasks and bitshifting.
I've made this function to control the pins individually (code derived from here and here):
def setPin(pin,value):
elif(pin>=2 and pin<=9):
pin = pin-2
# clear the bit
p.setData(p.getData() & (255 - pow(2, pin)))
#set the bit
p.setData(p.getData() | pow(2, pin))
raise(ValueError("invalid pin number"))