Embedded Jetty 8 hot deploy classes (using Maven)

微笑、不失礼 提交于 2019-12-21 22:22:10


I have a standard Maven webapp structure defined, and it uses Spring MVC.

I am using an embedded Jetty server (java class) for testing the application in development.

The code used to create the Jetty server is outlined below. If I make changes to any JSP files, the changes are immediately visible in the browser.

However if I change any class files, e.g Controllers, the changes are not hot deployed?

What do I have to do get this to work?

I have searched this and I think I need to use the class org.eclipse.jetty.util.Scanner and specifically the setScanInterval method, but not sure how to wire this up?

Here is the code to create the Server

    String webAppDir = "src/main/webapp/";
    Server server = new Server(8080);
    WebAppContext webApp = new WebAppContext();
    webApp.setDescriptor(webAppDir + "/WEB-INF/web.xml");

    HandlerCollection hc = new HandlerCollection();
    ContextHandlerCollection contextHandlerCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection();
    hc.setHandlers(new Handler[] { contextHandlerCollection });
    return server;

Thanks in advance


For hot deployment you need to use the WebAppProvider and the DeploymentManager. Those you can configure to manage the scanning for changes and the reloading of the webapp. So it is clear, the WebappContext is not what manages the deployment of a webapp, it is merely the container class that is gets deployed so there is another mechanism that works outside of that which can handle the concepts of deploy/redeploy.


You can take that chunk of xml there and convert into the java calls you need to do this embedded.

Or use something like the jrebel jvm plugin which provides for automatic class reloading.

