I'm learning QtQuick and I'm playing with data binding between C++ classes and QML properties.
In my C++ object Model, I have two properties :
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ getName WRITE setName NOTIFY nameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool status READ getStatus WRITE setStatus NOTIFY statusChanged)
And in my .qml file :
TextEdit {
placeholderText: "Enter your name"
text: user.name
Checkbox {
checked: user.status
When I change the user name with setName
from my C++ code, it is automatically reflected in the view.
When I check/uncheck the checkbox, or when I call setStatus()
from my C++ code, nothing happens. It seems the property checked
of checkboxes haven't the same behavior as TextEdit
I don't want to bind my properties in a declarative way. Doesn't Qt Quick support property binding ?
Thank you for your help.
As leemes points out, user clicking the check box breaks the binding you've created. So, don't create the binding, but instead connect to the change signal directly to handle the "get" case. Use "onClicked" to handle the "set" case. This solution requires you also initialize in Component.onCompleted(). For example...
CheckBox {
id: myCheck
onClicked: user.status = checked
Component.onCompleted: checked = user.status
Connections {
target: user
onStatusChanged: myCheck.checked = user.status
A way around this is to restore the binding (that gets removed by the user clicking the checkbox) in onClicked
, by something like:
CheckBox {
checked: user.status
onClicked: {
user.status = checked;
checked = Qt.binding(function () { // restore the binding
return user.status;
This avoids problems if you don't have the possibility to access your model at the time Component.onCompleted
is invoked.
I find it more natural to make checkbox only emit signal on click, not change its state:
// MyCheckBox.qml
CheckBox {
id: control
property bool changeOnClick: true // or just emit clicked()
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
enabled: !control.changeOnClick
onClicked: control.clicked();
Then you can bind it once and request change of the source on click:
MyCheckBox {
changeOnClick: false
checked: user.state
onClicked: {
user.state = !user.state;