So I have real time video stream. With 1 (one) person on It . It Is Black and White, I need to be able to capture this persons eyes and mouth (direction (at least X,Y), state (at least opened or closed) )
So Is there any fast library(s) for finding human eyes and mouth in Flash in such case? (pure Actionscript or Haxe\Java\C++\C port in SWC form...)
What do I know Is - some libs are described in this presentation http://www.bytearray.org/?p=1040&cpage=1#comment-330183
Grate example for eyes is here http://play.blog2t.net/files/black-or-white/
Source for Face detection (AS3) http://www.quasimondo.com/archives/000687.php#comments
Way to find mouth and eyes http://web.media.mit.edu/~jackylee/attention.htm
But I have never seen mouth detection...(
Starting points are not what I need at all. I need some working Open-Source CODE examples and SWC librarys.=)
Eugene Zatepyakin has done impressive progress on this, do check that out.
(source: inspirit.ru)
I'd look into the face detection algorithms that digital cameras use. In addition, this looked like a GREAT starting point for you since somebody else has already done it and here is the official technical article that goes along with it.
Can Flash call out to other libraries (I have no experience in this)? If so, you can use the OpenCV libraries for face detection.