I found this fantastic answer by @jdharrison on how to launch Tor using RSelenium
on windows:
In the new version of RSelenium
, however, startServer()
is defunct and its replacement rsDriver()
does not take a java argument as startServer()
did before.
What is the way to launch Tor as above in firefox in the new RSelenium syntax? Thanks very much (in advance)!
You can start the selenium server yourself instead of using rsDriver
browserP <- "C:/Users/john/Desktop/Tor Browser/Browser/firefox.exe"
jArg <- paste0("-Dwebdriver.firefox.bin=\"", browserP, "\"")
pLoc <- "C:/Users/john/Desktop/Tor Browser/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.meek-http-helper/"
jArg <- c(jArg, paste0("-Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=\"", pLoc, "\""))
wdman::selenium(jvmargs=jArg, selargs='any selenium args')
remDr <- remoteDriver(browserName ="firefox", port=4567L)
driver <- remDr$open()