So I've recently picked up graphics programming and I wanted to compute a cubic Bézier curve. I found this excellent answer on quadratic Bézier but I don't know how to convert this to a cubic Bézier curve.
For cubic Bézier curve, as you see in the link you shared, the green lines are obtained from the same procedure as the quadratic one. the differences are: you have two green lines, and then you need to calculate a blue line based on them. So the for
loop changes as:
for( float i = 0 ; i < 1 ; i += 0.01 )
// The Green Lines
xa = getPt( x1 , x2 , i );
ya = getPt( y1 , y2 , i );
xb = getPt( x2 , x3 , i );
yb = getPt( y2 , y3 , i );
xc = getPt( x3 , x4 , i );
yc = getPt( y3 , y4 , i );
// The Blue Line
xm = getPt( xa , xb , i );
ym = getPt( ya , yb , i );
xn = getPt( xb , xc , i );
yn = getPt( yb , yc , i );
// The Black Dot
x = getPt( xm , xn , i );
y = getPt( ym , yn , i );
drawPixel( x , y , COLOR_RED );