Wallpaper change event

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-21 06:06:34


Can I get a wallpaper changed event in a broadcast receiver? I need to detect if the user changed the wall paper. How could I do it?

What I am doing is this: I have an app that changes wallpaper automaticly. If the user changes it manually using a different aplication I would like to notice it and ask the users if he/she wants to add that new wallpaper to the list in my application


There is only a broadcast for when a wallpaper image changes: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Intent.html#ACTION_WALLPAPER_CHANGED

To do what you want, you will need to have more logic to use this to determine if the wallpaper has been changed to something besides an image: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/WallpaperManager.html#getWallpaperInfo()

To be honest, if you are making a wallpaper that is going to change, you really should consider just writing a live wallpaper. This will fit much more comfortably into the system: you can change what you are showing whenever you want, and it is clear when the user has selected a different wallpaper because your live wallpaper will be stopped.

Also you need to be extremely careful about the use of ACTION_WALLPAPER_CHANGED, because it can get you into bad interactions with other applications. Here is the documentation for it that will appear in the next API:

 * Broadcast Action:  The current system wallpaper has changed.  See
 * {@link android.app.WallpaperManager} for retrieving the new wallpaper.
 * This should <em>only</em> be used to determine when the wallpaper
 * has changed to show the new wallpaper to the user.  You should certainly
 * never, in response to this, change the wallpaper or other attributes of
 * it such as the suggested size.  That would be crazy, right?  You'd cause
 * all kinds of loops, especially if other apps are doing similar things,
 * right?  Of course.  So please don't do this.
 * @deprecated Modern applications should use
 * {@link android.view.WindowManager.LayoutParams#FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER
 * WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WALLPAPER} to have the wallpaper
 * shown behind their UI, rather than watching for this broadcast and
 * rendering the wallpaper on their own.

True story.


I don't believe that anything gets broadcast.

WallpaperManager does have some getters that will return the current wallpaper to you as a drawable. Perhaps you could compare the current one to a stored copy to determine if it has been changed. However if you are using this functionality to trick users by changing the wallpaper after they already set it, do know, I hope you step on a lego in the dark with your bare foot.

