Right now I am exploring some options for an android learning project. I am trying to communicate with my rails api (also a learning project).
After doing some research, I think I have settled on a scheme that uses retrofit and otto.
What I end up with is this. When I want to make a call to my rails server (in this case to do a signup) I do this in the activity.
mBus.post(new SignupRequestEvent(new UserRequestParams(mName,mEmail,mPassword,mPasswordConfirmation )));
and then in the same activity I have this.
public void onSignupCompleted(SignupCompletedEvent event) {
System.out.println(String.format("in onSignupCompleted, got token = %s ", event.getParams().getToken()));
The problem here is that, as it stands, every api request type and it corresponding response type would be a unique event type and require it's own class, which seems like a lot of boiler plate type of code.
For example to handle sign in and sign out I would need these two classes:
public class SignupRequestEvent {
protected UserRequestParams mSignupParams;
public SignupRequestEvent(UserRequestParams signupParams) {
mSignupParams = signupParams;
public UserRequestParams getParams() {
return mSignupParams;
public class SignupCompletedEvent {
private SignupCompletedParams mSignupCompletedParams;
public SignupCompletedParams getParams() {
return mSignupCompletedParams;
public SignupCompletedEvent(SignupCompletedParams signupCompletedParams) {
mSignupCompletedParams = signupCompletedParams;
And I think most of the event classes would be pretty much identical.
I am thinking I should just have 2 events for api calls , one for requests and one for responses, but then each method that receives an api response event would need to check if it is a response to the desired request.
This option would mean something like this:
ApiRequestEvent apiRequestEvent = new ApiRequestEvent();
apiRequestEvent.setParameters(new UserRequestParams(mName,mEmail,mPassword,mPasswordConfirmation ));
and then to handle the response something like this:
public void onSignupCompleted(ApiResponseAvailable event) {
if (event.getResponseTo != "SIGNUP") return;
System.out.println(String.format("in onSignupCompleted, got token = %s ", event.getParams().getToken()));
Maybe there is a way to use generics?
Can someone explain how to effectively use an event bus when there are a set of events that can be grouped together like this?
You're overthinking it - just go ahead and create a message object for each event.