Bash: find files with trailing spaces at the end of the lines

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-20 11:37:45


I'm looking for a bash command to find files with trailing spaces at the end of each line. I'm not interested in removing the spaces, but just in finding the files.


Find files that has trailing spaces.

find . -type f -exec egrep -l " +$" {} \;


If the goal is to list files which have trailing whitespaces in one or more lines:

grep -r '[[:blank:]]$' .

To not print the lines, and print just the file names only, also specify the -l option. That's l as in the word list, not the number 1.


Find files with one or more trailing space characters:

find . -name "*" | xargs egrep ".* +$"


There is an option to list the files which do not contain a match anywhere in them; use that and a regex for a character other than a space just before end of line.

grep -L '[^ ]$' *

To recurse directories, add -r. To search for other whitespace characters as well, use a character class $'[^ \t]$' or the POSIX '[^[:blank:]]$' for the regex.


Using ack (or ag):

ack -l ' \n'

Note: Like some of the other answers, this will list files that contain one or more lines with trailing spaces.


If the goal is to list files with trailing whitespace in the current path:

grep -rli '[[:blank:]]$' .


If the question is literally to find files that have a blank at the end of every single line, then this should work:

grep -rL '[^[:blank:]]$' .

The -L tells grep to report every file that does not match the pattern, and the pattern is looking for lines that do not have a blank immediately preceding the newline.


Try this :

find . -type f -name "* "

