Tobii Eye Tracker

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-20 04:56:07


We are trying to connect our Tobii Eye Tracker to our Ubuntu OS 16.04.6 LTS Nvidia Jetson TX2 module. However, when we want to pip install tobii_research we keep getting an error that says that there are not matching distributions found for it. Has anyone had any success doing this? We are using a virtual environment for python 3.5 and we are trying to install psychopy but it keeps saying that it is failing with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-cdg_if0d/psychopy. Do we need psychopy inorder to do the pip install tobii_research?

We also have a library that is called "tobiiresearch" and it has a .py file with the function we need which is fr = find_all_eyetrackers(), but when calling that in python it says that it cannot be found.

Thank you so much.


Try to do instead:

pip install tobii-research

As you mentioned, the Tobii Pro SDK lets you interact easily with your eye tracker and write your own research applications for collecting and analyzing eye tracking data. I recommend you to contact the Tobii Pro Support directly, as stated in an early post. You have also the forum, they are fast to answer you.

