mkfifo causes terminal to hang?

梦想与她 提交于 2019-12-20 04:04:17


Does mkfifo simply not work with Cygwin? A simple set of commands such as

$ mkfifo my_pipe

$ echo "1234" > my_pipe

just causes the terminal to sit forever with the cursor blinking. Am I "doing it wrong"?


No, you're not doing anything wrong with either of those commands, it's just your expectations are a little off.

What you're missing is something at the other end of that pipe, reading that data. This apparent hanging happens in Linux as well, so it's not a CygWin problem (or any sort of problem, really).

Just open up another window and enter:

cat <my_pipe

and you'll see the data appear, followed by the original echo completing.


The thing with named pipes is that you need to have something on both ends. You can't write into a pipe if it isn't complete yet, so the echo command hangs until something else tries to read from that pipe, which in your case never happens.

