I stopped over at Code Review, asking how I could streamline a script and was advised to use a hashtable as it would clean up the code. I was given a very basic example but it wasn't plug-and-play. I've worked up some basic code but it's not doing what I think it should. Knowing the Code Review folks aren't there for support like this, here i am, looking for help with combining a variable from a CSV and a hashtable. I'll leave sample data from my CSV and the Powershell code below.
Sample CSV:
Student First Name,I,Student Last Name,Other ID,Stu Access Login,Student's School Email,School,Grad Year
Sample Powershell:
# Testing simple hash table
$SchoolCodes = @{
20 = "Exeter Township Senior High"
30 = "Exeter Township Junior High"
40 = "Lorane Elementary School"
50 = "Jacksonwald ES"
70 = "Reiffton School"
90 = "Owatin Creek Elementary School"
# CSV file being imported.
$CsvFile = "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\SampleData.csv"
# Import the contents of the CSV file.
$Users = Import-Csv -Path "$CsvFile"
# Loop through each line of the CSV, creating variables for each field.
ForEach ($User in $Users) {
# Creating the basic variables.
$FirstName = $User.'Student First Name'
$MiddleInitial = $User.'I'
$LastName = $User.'Student Last Name'
$ADUserName = $User.'Stu Access Login'
$StudentID = $User.'Other ID'
$GradYear = $User.'Grad Year'
$CapFInitial = $FirstName.substring(0,1).ToUpper()
$MInitial = $MiddleInitial.substring(0,1).ToLower()
$LInitial = $LastName.substring(0,1).ToLower()
$Password = "$CapFInitial$MInitial$LInitial" + "#" + "$StudentID"
$SchoolCode = $SchoolCodes[$User.School]
If (-Not(Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $ADUserName})) {
Try {
# Create user.
New-ADUser `
-Name "$FirstName $LastName" `
-SamAccountName "$ADUserName" `
-GivenName "$FirstName" `
-Initials "$MiddleInitial" `
-Surname "$LastName" `
-DisplayName "$FirstName $MiddleInitial. $LastName" `
-UserPrincipalName "$ADUserName@mydomain.k12.pa.us" `
-EmailAddress "$ADUserName@mydomain.k12.pa.us" `
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString $Password -AsPlainText -Force) `
-Enabled $false `
-PasswordNeverExpires $true `
-CannotChangePassword $true `
-Path "OU=$GradYear,OU=Students,OU=$SchoolCode,OU=accounts,DC=academic,DC=mydomain,DC=k12,DC=pa,DC=us" `
Catch {
Write-Error "[ERROR] Can't create user [$($ADUserName)] : $_"
My issue:
The script ultimately errors out because of the $SchoolCode
variable being set to null, I think. I'm wanting the script to find the number (code) from the school field in the CSV and match that to the name which ends up being an OU in AD - where the User Object will get created. Basically, the code tries to create the User Object in "CN=Tome Smith,OU=2021,OU=Students,OU=,OU=accounts,DC=academic,DC=exeter,DC=k12,DC=pa,DC=us"
which shows the $SchoolCode
variable is either blank or otherwise not getting set correctly.
As I mentioned in a comment, we're thinking of adding other static data to the hashtable as a (nested?) hashtable. Here's an example of what we're thinking about. As time goes by, the list of AD groups may grow.
Example of the nested hashtable:
$SchoolCodes = @{
20 = @{
Name = "Exeter Township Senior High"
ADGroup1 = "Students"
ADGroup2 = "Secondary Students"
30 = @{
Name = "Exeter Township Junior High"
ADGroup1 = "Students"
ADGroup2 = "Secondary Students"
40 = @{
Name = "Lorane Elementary School"
ADGroup1 = "Students"
ADGroup2 = "K4 Students"
50 = @{
Name = "Jacksonwald ES"
ADGroup1 = "Students"
ADGroup2 = "K4 Students"
70 = @{
Name = "Reiffton School"
ADGroup1 = "Students"
ADGroup2 = "Secondary Students"
90 = @{
Name = "Owatin Creek Elementary School"
ADGroup1 = "Students"
ADGroup2 = "K4 Students"
I'm scouring the web and trying to get a better understanding of hashtables. If I can wrap my head around it, nesting them would be my next step.
Unless you're re-using the data, it's not important to turn it into a hashtable. Also, the error is in accessing the $SchoolCodes
value. For some reason, the accessor isn't working with a [String]
, but does work when you cast to an [Int]
Sample dataset:
Student First Name,I,Student Last Name,Other ID,Stu Access Login,Student's School Email,School,Grad Year
#requires -Version 3
$SchoolCodes = @{
20 = "Exeter Township Senior High"
30 = "Exeter Township Junior High"
40 = "Lorane Elementary School"
50 = "Jacksonwald ES"
70 = "Reiffton School"
90 = "Owatin Creek Elementary School"
# CSV file being imported.
$CsvFile = "$env:USERPROFILE\Downloads\SampleData.csv"
# Import the contents of the CSV file.
$Users = Import-Csv -Path "$CsvFile"
# Loop through each line of the CSV, creating variables for each field.
ForEach ($User in $Users)
[String]$LoginName = $User.'Stu Access Login'
If (-not (Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $LoginName}))
$FirstName = $User.'Student First Name'
$LastName = $User.'Student Last Name'
$Params = @{
Name = "$FirstName $LastName"
SamAccountName = $LoginName
GivenName = $FirstName
Initials = $User.I
Surname = $LastName
DisplayName = "$FirstName $($User.I) $LastName"
UserPrincipalName = "$LoginName@mydomain.k12.pa.us"
EmailAddress = "$LoginName@mydomain.k12.pa.us"
AccountPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -String (
'{0}{1}{2}#{3}' -f @(
$User.'Other ID')) -AsPlainText -Force
Enabled = $False
PasswordNeverExpires = $True
CannotChangePassword = $True
Path = 'OU={0},OU=Students,OU={1},OU=accounts,DC=academic,DC=mydomain,DC=k12,DC=pa,DC=us' -f @(
$User.'Grad Year',
WhatIf = $True
Try {New-ADUser @Params}
Catch {Write-Error "[ERROR] Can't create user [$LoginName] : $_"}