I am learning how to use R6 classes (and in general R OO).
In this tutorial I found an interesting way of presenting constructors. In section 6.3 a different kind of constructor is defined, returning a class instance with "new" called inside the function.
That resembles the behavior of initializing a class object with a function that computes some stuff, and it would be useful for my purposes.
I was wondering if this can be done in R6 as well, and, if so, if there are resources where I can learn how to do it properly.
My example in S4 is as follows:
ERes <- setClass("ERes",
representation = representation(
eTable = 'data.table',
eList = 'list'
setERes <- function(someData){
return(new(Class = 'ERes', eTable = table(someData), eList = as.list(someData)))
Now, the code that creates eTable
and eList
would be a bit more complicated, but that is the principle. The user does not need to call $new, but a function that returns a proper object.
I thought that I could put the function in the R6 class, but I am not sure about how to call it.
Since R6
classes are actually envoronments, you can use className$constructorName
to archieve this result.
ERes <- R6Class(
public = list(
eTable = NULL,
eList = NULL,
initialize = function(eTable, eList){
self$eTable <- eTable
self$eList <- eList
ERes$userConstructor <- function(someData){
ERes$new(table(someData), as.list(someData))
myObject <- ERes$userConstructor(rpois(100, 5))
# someData
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10
# 3 3 7 16 16 20 14 10 9 2