I use VS2010, C#, .NET 3.5 for generate Powershell scripts (ps1 files).
Then, it is required escape characters for Powershell.
Any suggestions about it for develop good method that escape characters?
public static partial class StringExtensions
PowerShell Special Escape Sequences
Escape Sequence Special Character
`n New line
`r Carriage Return
`t Tab
`a Alert
`b Backspace
`" Double Quote
`' Single Quote
`` Back Quote
`0 Null
public static string FormatStringValueForPS(this string value)
if (value == null) return value;
return value.Replace("\"", "`\"").Replace("'", "`'");
var valueForPs1 = FormatStringValueForPS("My text with \"double quotes\". More Text");
var psString = "$value = \"" + valueForPs1 + "\";";
The other option would be to use a regex:
private static Regex CharactersToEscape = new Regex(@"['""]"); // Extend the character set as requird
public string EscapeForPowerShell(string input) {
// $& is the characters that were matched
return CharactersToEscape.Replace(input, "`$&");
Note: you don't need to escape backslashes: PowerShell does not use them as escape characters. This makes writing regexes somewhat easier.