I am trying to build a simple Java application with SWT using the MVC pattern. I would like to be able to automatically update the view when something happens in the background so I am trying to use the Observer/Observable pattern, but it looks like my Observer is never notified when my Observable changes.
Here is the code:
Launcher.java (main class)
public class Launcher {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Application app = new Application();
PenguinView v = new PenguinView(app);
Controller api = new Controller(app, v);
Application.java (The background application)
public class Application {
private Penguin _myPenguin;
public Application() {
_myPenguin = new Penguin();
new Thread(_myPenguin).start();
public Penguin getPenguin() {
return _myPenguin;
Penguin.java (The model, my Observable)
public class Penguin extends Observable implements Runnable {
private String _color;
private boolean _isHappy;
private int _myRocks;
public Penguin() {
_color = "Black";
_isHappy = true;
_myRocks = 0;
public void paint(String color) {
_color = color;
System.out.println("My new color is " + _color);
public String getColor() {
return _color;
public void upset() {
_isHappy = false;
public void cheerUp() {
_isHappy = true;
public boolean isHappy() {
return _isHappy;
public void run() {
// Penguin starts walking and find rocks!
while(true) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
private void iFoundRock() {
System.out.println("I now have " + _myRocks + " rocks");
PenguinView.java (The SWT View, my observer)
public class PenguinView implements Observer {
private Application _app;
private Display _d;
private Shell _s;
private Label _penguinColor;
private Label _penguinHumor;
private Label _penguinRocks;
private Button _upset;
private Button _cheerUp;
private Text _newColor;
private Button _paint;
public PenguinView(Application app) {
_app = app;
_d = new Display();
_s = new Shell();
RowLayout rl = new RowLayout();
rl.marginWidth = 12;
rl.marginHeight = 12;
new Label(_s, SWT.BORDER).setText("Penguin Color: ");
_penguinColor = new Label(_s, SWT.BORDER);
new Label(_s, SWT.BORDER).setText(" Humor: ");
_penguinHumor = new Label(_s, SWT.BORDER);
String humor = _app.getPenguin().isHappy() ? "Happy" : "Sad";
new Label(_s, SWT.BORDER).setText(" Rocks: ");
_penguinRocks = new Label(_s, SWT.BORDER);
_upset = new Button(_s, SWT.PUSH);
_upset.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener(){
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
_cheerUp = new Button(_s, SWT.PUSH);
_cheerUp.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener(){
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
_newColor = new Text(_s, SWT.BORDER);
_paint = new Button(_s, SWT.PUSH);
_paint.addListener(SWT.Selection, new Listener(){
public void handleEvent(Event e) {
while (!_d.isDisposed()) {
if (!_d.readAndDispatch()) {
public void update(Observable obs, Object obj) {
System.out.println("I go here!");
if(obs.equals(_app.getPenguin())) {
public void update(Observable obs) {
System.out.println("I go there!");
Controller.java (The controller)
public class Controller {
Application _app;
PenguinView _v;
public Controller(Application app, PenguinView v) {
_app = app;
_v = v;
// Set observer
The output:
I now have 1 rocks
I now have 2 rocks
My new color is Blue
I now have 3 rocks
I now have 4 rocks
Do you have any idea of what I am doing wrong?
From what I can tell, the while loop in the PenguinView constructor is blocking your main thread, so the Controller never gets instantiated and the observer is never added.