Array and loops through but I want to be able to run all of them in parallel instead as I don't want to run one after another.
I basically want to store all endpoint calls status codes, body and time as array and return them as results regardless of there are errors or not in the endpoint.
I'm using Bluebird, how can I use its features to solve this issue?
You can use Promise.map
with .bind
function getComponentStatuses(componentsToCheck) {
return Promise.map(componentsToCheck, function() {
var start = Date.now();
return getAsync({
url: component.endpoint,
timeout: component.timeout
name: component.name,
status: null,
body: null,
time: null
.spread(function(response, body){
Logger.info('GET took ' + end + 'ms.');
this.status = response.statusCode;
this.body = body;
return this;
.catch(function(e) { return this; })
.finally(function() { this.time = Date.now() - start; })
Note that your timing method is incorrect because the http agent might throttle requests.
Bluebird supports multiple concurrent Promises.
See the reference at: https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird/blob/master/API.md#promisejoinpromisethenablevalue-promises-function-handler---promise
There are two ways to do it:
.all() - good for a dynamic number of promises
.join() - good for a fixed number of promises and as for Bluebird's documentation, it supplies a better performance than .all() method.
From bluebird's documentation:
var Promise = require("bluebird");
var join = Promise.join;
join(getPictures(), getComments(), getTweets(),
function(pictures, comments, tweets) {
console.log("in total: " + pictures.length + comments.length + tweets.length);
Found the solution.
Use .settle
I use q Promise Maybe help
return q.all([function or value1, function or value 2, ......])
.spread(function (result1, result2, ....) {
// do somethine