I'm on a Windows 8 Machine with git version 1.9.5.msysgit.0 pushing to a TFS Git Repository hosted on HTTPS.
When I push any text file everything is fine. But pushing a certain .jpg file git hangs on POST git-recieve-pack with the following output:
$ git push -v
Pushing to https://tfs.ourcompanyn.com/tfs/DefaultCollection/Prototypes/_git/TestProject
Counting objects: 11, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
Writing objects: 100% (5/5), 59.76 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 5 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
POST git-receive-pack (61329 bytes)
It stays like this and does not change anymore
We use wincred as credentialhelper and I've checked that authentication works. Also I can push code. Just some of the .jpeg Files create this problem.
Is CMYK / RGB a problem? Is https with git and tfs a problem?
EDIT: I've tried so far to increase http.postbuffer as mentioned in this post.
git config http.postBuffer 524288000
The problem occurs with msysgit and curl in the current version. There's a problem with handling authentication over HTTPS:
Documented here: https://github.com/msysgit/git/issues/349
Solution: Install the pre-release of Git for Windows 2.x
Version 2.5.1 for Windows is released, so please use that one. https://git-scm.com/download/win