How to read “uSNChanged” property using C#

一个人想着一个人 提交于 2019-12-19 03:32:34


I want to get the last modified or created attributes via the uSNChanged value in ActiveDirectory using C# ... I was also trying to find the max value of uSNChanged, can you help me to find out the solution? Thanks


There are two ways to retrieve the uSNChanged property via .NET:

  1. Include a reference to a COM library: "Active DS Type Library", then you need to use the IADsLargeInterger to retrieve the value and finally convert it to a long. For example:

    IADsLargeInteger li_ad = (IADsLargeInteger)oUser.Properties["USNChanged"].Value;
    long l_uChanged = GetLongFromLargeInteger( li_ad );
    static long GetLongFromLargeInteger(  IADsLargeInteger  Li )
        long retval = Li.HighPart;
        retval <<=32;
        retval |=(uint)Li.LowPart;
        return retval;
  2. Translate the values only using C#. Thanks to Simon Gilbee, we have this option:

    long usnChanged = CovertADSLargeIntegerToInt64(oUser.Properties["USNChanged"].Value);
    public static Int64 ConvertADSLargeIntegerToInt64(object adsLargeInteger)
      var highPart = (Int32)adsLargeInteger.GetType().InvokeMember("HighPart", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, adsLargeInteger, null);
      var lowPart  = (Int32)adsLargeInteger.GetType().InvokeMember("LowPart",  System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, adsLargeInteger, null);
      return highPart * ((Int64)UInt32.MaxValue + 1) + lowPart;

I highly recommend you go with Option #2 to avoid problems with the legacy ActiveDs library and won't need answers off this list.


i got the solution guys,we can get a maximum usnchanged value of a domaincontroller through this attribute HighestCommittedUsn

