Log4cxx custom appender

扶醉桌前 提交于 2019-12-19 03:08:25


Is it possible to write a custom appender for log4cxx and have it configurable via a properties file (like the built-in appenders)? I'd prefer doing this without having to rebuild log4cxx (e.g. by deriving/extending an existing appender), if possible.

Can you point me toward an example?


You can inherit from AppenderSkeleton or WriterAppender and get the same underlying behaviors without having to rebuilt log4cxx.

http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/incubator/log4cxx/trunk/src/test/cpp/vectorappender.h?view=markup http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/incubator/log4cxx/trunk/src/test/cpp/vectorappender.cpp?view=markup


brlcad's suggestion is correct - at my company we've used this method for our own custom appenders.

You can in fact already configure these from a configuration file - the macros like DECLARE_LOG4CXX_OBJECT(CustomAppenderClassName) in the class definition set up the log4cxx environment. You can refer to your appender type by your "CustomAppenderClassName". A configfile (old-style) showing a standard and custom appender, using the standard layouts for the custom appender:

# Set "realtime" logger level to DEBUG and create two appenders - one to be
# a standard rolling file appender, the other custom.
log4j.logger.realtime=ERROR, StandardAppender, CustomAppender

# StandardAppenderis set to be a RollingFileAppender

# Keep one backup file

# StandardAppender uses PatternLayout.
log4j.appender.StandardAppender.layout.ConversionPattern=%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n

# CustomAppender uses PatternLayout too


I am adding this answer as the the links in the most rated answer appear to be from an older version. I have created a custom appender using version 1.2.0 following what was done in their SysLogAppender. At a high level you will need to do these steps:

  • Create an your own class which inherits their Appender class.
  • Implement the pure virtual functions void close() and void append(const spi::InternalLoggingEvent& event)
  • Register your appender class with the AppenderFactoryRegistry.

Here is an example class with code for class with the namespace yournamespace::ExampleCustomAppender:

#include <log4cplus/appender.h>

namespace yournamespace {
    class ExampleCustomAppender : public Appender
        ExampleCustomAppender(const log4cplus::helpers::Properties & properties);

        // Dtor
        virtual ~ExampleCustomAppender();

        // Methods
        virtual void close();

        /** Register the appender with the factory registry. */
        static void registerAppender();

        virtual void append(const spi::InternalLoggingEvent& event);

Then the implementation of the methods:

#include <log4cplus/spi/factory.h>
#include <sstream>

namespace yournamespace {

    ExampleCustomAppender::ExampleCustomAppender(const helpers::Properties & properties)
        : Appender(properties)
    // if you want to use properties to configure your object do so here


    void ExampleCustomAppender::registerAppender()
        log4cplus::spi::AppenderFactoryRegistry & reg
            = log4cplus::spi::getAppenderFactoryRegistry();
        LOG4CPLUS_REG_PRODUCT(reg, "log4cplus::", ExampleCustomAppender, 
            yournamespace::, log4cplus::spi::AppenderFactory);

    void ExampleCustomAppender::close()
        // do anything you need to close the appender
        closed = true;

    // This method does not need to be locked since it is called by
    // doAppend() which performs the locking
    void LoggingCallbackAppender::append(const spi::InternalLoggingEvent& event)
        if (!closed) {
            std::stringstream logOutput;
            layout->formatAndAppend(logOutput, event);
            std::string outputString = logOutput.str();

and lastly an example of how it may be used in the configuration file:

log4cplus.rootLogger=INFO, STDOUT, ROLLING, EXAMPLE
// other definitions for STDOUT and ROLLING here and then  ...
log4cplus.appender.EXAMPLE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{%m/%d %H:%M:%S} [%t] %-5p %c{2} - %m%n

I did this code by cutting up some other code so it has not been compiled per se in this exact format. Let me know of any issues and I will correct it.

