Spring Cloud Config Server Shared Properties Across Applications

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-18 19:15:15


I currently have a number of deployable applications that work in a distributed fashion to solve a business problem. We are currently using a number of property configuration files to provide changing configuration per environment based off a system environment variable. All these deployable application share common configuration for database and messaging. This is currently achieved by picking up property files from the class path and having both deployed apps share a common jar for each connection (db, jms) containing property files.

I am looking to start using Spring Config Server to externalize this configuration if possible. I have a question about how to share this common config.

Currently it looks something like this:-

- database
- jms

- database
- jms

In this situation both deployed apps share the same connections and these connections change per environment (lab, prf, prd, etc). How can I achieve the same with the Spring Configuration Server where I have app config for each deployable app?


If a connection property changed for an environment I would need to make the change to each deployable app configuration rather than making it just once.

Is there currently anyway to achieve this? Am I just missing a simple point?


I found working solution here https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-config/single/spring-cloud-config.html, paragraph "2.1.5 Sharing Configuration With All Applications". It says:

With file-based (i.e. git, svn and native) repositories, resources with file names in application* are shared between all client applications (so application.properties, application.yml, application-*.properties etc.). You can use resources with these file names to configure global defaults and have them overridden by application-specific files as necessary.

You should create application.properties or application.yml at the top level of configuration repository (if it is git or svn based). Don't forget to commit the changes.


This is how I have configured for my setup.

1 All Common properties across all services and environments will be in root->application.properties files

2 All Common properties across all environments specific to service will be root->service-X.properties files

3: Similarly, to have common properties across specific environment use env->application.properties file

  port: 8888
          uri:[git repo]
          search-paths: /,/{profile}/


Finally found a solution. It's buried in the issues at github ...


It worked liked described. I only noticed, that you need to put the files in a /config folder to make it work. If you put it in the root the file ist used by the configserver itself and is not included in the config requests.

