I need to incorporate a 3D model of the Earth into a satellite orbit intercept simulation I have created in Mathematica (I need it to work with "Graphics3D[]). I have downloaded several different models in formats that Mathematica claims to support and I even created my own in Pro/E. The ones that actually do get imported into the program (using "Import[]") lose their surface image and I am left with a generic sphere. How can I get custom 3D graphics to import correctly into Mathematica? Are certain formats better than others? (I have been using mostly CAD models) And is there place to download more (user-created) 3D graphics for Mathematica?
I know it's possible because Belisarius has done so in a response to a question here: How to create 2D (3D) animation in Wolfram Mathematica with the camera following the object? which is almost exactly what I need to do, as far as views go.
myEarth =
ParametricPlot3D[{Cos@u Sin@v, Sin@u Sin@v, Cos@v}, {u, 0, 2 Pi}, {v, 0, Pi},
Mesh -> None, TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#4, 1 - #5} &),
PlotStyle -> Texture[Show[map, ImageSize -> 1000]]];
a = {-1, 1};
Graphics3D[Sphere[{0, 0, 0}, .5],
ViewPoint -> 3.5 {Cos@t, Sin@t, 0}, SphericalRegion -> True,
PlotRange -> {a, a, a}, Axes -> False, Boxed -> False],
{t, 0, 2 Pi}]
I found from where I borrowed some code: http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/ref/Texture.html Under Applications, Earth Texture