How I can change CSS for a pseudo element style?
I am trying to get the CSS before::
rule and change left:
to 95%
or 4px
How can I perform this in my context?
I've also made some test using document.querySelector
but it doesn't work, I get a compute Read-Only error.
Do you have suggestions?
.iziToast-wrapper-bottomLeft .iziToast.iziToast-balloon:before {
border-right: 15px solid transparent;
border-left: 0 solid transparent;
right: auto;
left: 8px;
let RightMode = event.x>window.innerWidth/2;
let bubblePosition = document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast-balloon")[0]; // get the div that hold the bubble
let ajustScreenLR = RightMode && document.getElementsByClassName("iziToast")[0].offsetWidth || 0; // halfScreen ajustement
//bubblePosition.style.left = RightMode && '95%' || '4px'; // here i need to change the position in the befor:: attribut
description_iziToast.style.left = `${event.x-20-ajustScreenLR}px`;
description_iziToast.style.top = `${event.y-105}px`;
if(description_iziToast){ iziToast.destroy(); description_iziToast = false; };
Here the app console debug
Since pseudo-elements do not exist in the DOM, they cannot be accessed in Javascript.
The workaround is to create a <span>
instead of using :before
and the same logic has to be applied.
Here are two ways to directly manipulate a pseudo-element:
First way, is by using some sort of style manager.
This "manager" is an object with methods which allows easier manipulation of CSS rules on-the-fly, so here is a very basic example which you can study and implement for your specific needs:
var elm = document.querySelector('main');
// Reference: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28930990/104380
var styleManager = (function() {
// Create the <style> tag
var style = document.createElement("style")
// WebKit hack
// Add the <style> element to the page
function getStyleRuleIndexBySelector(selector, prop){
var result = [], i,
value = (prop ? selector + "{" + prop + "}" : selector).replace(/\s/g, ''), // remove whitespaces
s = prop ? "cssText" : "selectorText";
for( i=0; i < style.sheet.cssRules.length; i++ )
if( style.sheet.cssRules[i][s].replace(/\s/g, '') == value)
return result;
return {
style : style,
getStyleRuleIndexBySelector : getStyleRuleIndexBySelector,
add(prop, value){
return style.sheet.insertRule(`${prop}{${value}}`, style.sheet.cssRules.length);
remove(selector, prop){
var indexes = getStyleRuleIndexBySelector(selector, prop), i = indexes.length;
// reversed iteration so indexes won't change after deletion for each iteration
for( ; i-- ; )
style.sheet.deleteRule( indexes[i] );
elm.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(){
// each new rule should be added the END of the sheet
styleManager.add('main::before','left:90%; top:60%;');
elm.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(){
styleManager.remove('main::before', 'left:70%;'); // you can also try without the "left:70%;" part
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 1px dashed silver;
content: 'pseudo';
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: lightgreen;
position: absolute;
left: 10px;
top: 40px;
transition:.3s ease-out;
<main>Hover & out</main>
Another way - with CSS variables:
var elm = document.querySelector('main');
elm.addEventListener('mouseenter', function(){
elm.style.setProperty('--before-left', '90%');
elm.addEventListener('mouseleave', function(){
elm.style.setProperty('--before-left', '10px');
--before-left : 10px; /* <-- Your CSS should use variables for this to work */
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 1px dashed silver;
content: 'pseudo';
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background: lightgreen;
position: absolute;
left: var(--before-left); /* <-- using the variable */
top: 40px;
transition:.3s ease-out;
<main>Hover & out</main>