Can I rely on the window unload event to be triggered when a user closes a tab/window/browser?
Found a list of what triggers the unload event in IE. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536973%28VS.85%29.aspx
I would like to know in which edge cases the unload event won't be triggered.
You will likely want to use the "onbeforeunload" event too, it provides more control than the "onunload" event.
That said, be aware that: Opera doesn’t fire the unload event when the browser refreshes the page, or uses the back/forward buttons to browse off of the page. What’s worse, Opera never fires the onbeforeunload event. Thus if you are supporting Opera - be aware of these issues.
Not in all circumstances no. The browser could crash etc. keeping the event from firing. The user could also use add-ons like Grease Monkey to prevent the event from firing also.