is there a way in jQuery to select elements that have a certain value in a data attribute array?
Consider this snippet of html:
<li id="person1" data-city="Boston, New York, San Fransisco">
Person name 1
<li id="person2" data-city="Los Angeles, New York, Washington">
Person name 2
What is the best way in jQuery to select all persons with "New York" in the data-city attribute?
The solution should take in account that certain citynames appear in other city names (in example 2: London, New London)
Example 2:
<li id="person1" data-city="Boston, London, San Fransisco">
Person name 1
<li id="person2" data-city="Los Angeles, Washington, New London">
Person name 2
What is the best way in jQuery to select all persons with "London" in the data-city attribute? A city with "New London" should not be selected.
You can use the selector tag[attr*=string]
where *=
matches the string found anywhere in the tag value. I have colored the text red, just so you can test...
$("li[data-city*=New York]").css({color:'red'});
Or via more complex method to fit needs of example two:
.filter( function(){
return $(this).attr('data-city').match(/(^|,\s+)London(,|$)/)
This method uses filter to go through the list of selected li
and match all elements with attribute data-city
that matches regex (^|,\s+)London(,|$)
which means...
- start or comma (
) - and one or more spaces (
) - followed by
- followed by comma or end (
I used this HTML:
<li id="person1" data-city="Boston, New York, San Fransisco, London">
Person name 1
<li id="person2" data-city="Boston, New Jersey, London, San Fransisco">
Person name 2
<li id="person3" data-city="Los Angeles, New York, New London, Washington">
Person name 3
try something like :
$('li[data-city*="New York"]')
Attribute Contains Selector [docs]
jsfiddle example