I have a user model with attributes 'first' and 'last' So for example User.first.first #=> "Charlie" User.first.last #=> "Brown"
This User model also has a virtual attribute 'full_name'
def full_name
[first,last].join(' ')
def full_name=(name) #don't know what to do with people w/ middle names
split = name.split(' ')
self.first = split[0]
self.last = split[1]
So for example:
User.first.full_name = "Charlie Brown" #=> "Charlie Brown"
User.first.full_name = "Homer Simpson" #=> "Home Simpson"
User.first.first #=> "Homer"
User.first.last #=> "Simpson"
It'd be so nice if I could search by that virtual attribute so for example for dynamic find:
User.find_by_full_name('Home Simpson') # this doesn't work
Example for conditions in find:
User.all(:conditions => ['full_name LIKE ?', query]) #this doesn't work
I am hoping to find at least some ways in SQL language that can do this; if there's a dynamic virtual attribute find, too, that's extra vanilla source on the strudel. (anyone having this this winter?)
I was also concerned about a name being searched , e.g., "Holmes" may only be searched in the 'first' column but not the 'last' to retrieve, for example, User.first.full_name #=> "Sherlock Holmes"
I did try to do a more comprehensive search:
def self.find_by_full_name(name) #returns an array of User model
return all if name.blank?
split = name.split(' ', 2)
output = []
if split.length > 1
with_scope( :find => { :conditions => ['first LIKE ?', "%#{split[0]}%"] }) do
output << all(:conditions => ['last LIKE ?', "%#{split[1]}%"])
elsif split.length == 1
output << all(:conditions => ['first LIKE ?', "%#{split[0]}%"])
output << all(:conditions => ['last LIKE ?', "%#{split[0]}%"])
For example
User.find_by_full_name("John").map(&:full_name) #=> ["John Resig", "John Doe"]
User.find_by_full_name("Doe").map(&:full_name) #=> ["John Doe", "Philips Doeringer"]
User.find_by_full_name("John Doe").map(&:full_name) #=> ["John Doe"]
But I just thought that the find_by_full_name method here is a bit unwieldy.
I mean, if I had a column full_name that gets set each time by a after save filter with the concat of first and last. So finding a person's name, especially with fuzzy memory of this person, is helpful. So if I remembered 'Doe' in that person's either first or last name, I can always do a simple User.find_by_full_name('Doe') to return as many as possible to further pin it down.
And since it is a column, I can search it in a find(:conditions[...]) clause if I have to do something like Project.find(:all,:include => :users, :conditions=>['users.full_name LIKE ?', query])
has_many :assignments
has_many :users, :through=>:assignments
has_many :assignments
has_many :projects, :through => :assignments
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :project
Happy Holidays N
You can used a named_scope in your user.rb:
named_scope :find_by_full_name, lambda {|full_name|
{:conditions => {:first => full_name.split(' ').first,
:last => full_name.split(' ').last}}
Then you can do User.find_by_full_name('John Carver')
new stuff in response to changes in requirement
named_scope :find_by_full_name, lambda {|full_name|
{:conditions => ["first LIKE '%?%' or last LIKE '%?%'",
full_name.split(' ').first, full_name.split(' ').last]}}
I found Jim's answer helpful as well. Thanks. I'd make a slight change though. This current code causes you to loose any middle names. What I have below is a bit messy but preserves middle names and compound last names (think Jean-Claude van Damme). Everything after the first name goes in the last_name field.
named_scope :find_by_full_name, lambda { |full_name|
{:conditions => {:first_name => full_name.split(' ').first,
:last_name => full_name.split(' ')[1, full_name.split(' ').length-1].join(' ')}
Of course any cleaner way to do this is welcome.