Where to find the response video data?

我怕爱的太早我们不能终老 提交于 2019-12-17 17:28:26


This is regarding retrieving data from Mr.Robot

When I used the inspect element tool to investigate the traffic I was getting from the site via the network panel, here's a sample of the data I got

Does anyone know where I can find the data that corresponds to the video(tv episode)?

I saw that the file format of xhr represents the XMLHttpRequest so that is a combination of my browser requesting JSON, HTML, and XML from the web server? (Can someone confirm this as well)

I am trying to find a type that corresponds to one of these but having no luck.

I am doing this to enhance my knowledge of web and network engineering.


In the network tab, if you select to see the headers tab, you can see this information:

Request URL:http://api.massrelevance.com/usadigitalapps/mr-robot-tag-mrrobot.json?limit=5&since_id=1039088770827352555_891624285

Here, you can see it's a request to a JSON file. :D

EDIT: Try going to this URL when the video is not playing in the browser (for some reason, when I had the page loaded this was returning as blank):


That was the request mine was making. In there, you can find a video URL:


Remove the \ and you'll see the video :D

