When to use pointers in C#/.NET?

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2019-12-17 15:26:52


I know C# gives the programmer the ability to access, use pointers in an unsafe context. But When is this needed?

At what circumstances, using pointers becomes inevitable?

Is it only for performance reasons?

Also why does C# expose this functionality through an unsafe context, and remove all of the managed advantages from it? Is it possible to have use pointers without losing any advantages of managed environment, theoretically?


When is this needed? Under what circumstances does using pointers becomes inevitable?

When the net cost of a managed, safe solution is unacceptable but the net cost of an unsafe solution is acceptable. You can determine the net cost or net benefit by subtracting the total benefits from the total costs. The benefits of an unsafe solution are things like "no time wasted on unnecessary runtime checks to ensure correctness"; the costs are (1) having to write code that is safe even with the managed safety system turned off, and (2) having to deal with potentially making the garbage collector less efficient, because it cannot move around memory that has an unmanaged pointer into it.

Or, if you are the person writing the marshalling layer.

Is it only for performance reasons?

It seems perverse to use pointers in a managed language for reasons other than performance.

You can use the methods in the Marshal class to deal with interoperating with unmanaged code in the vast majority of cases. (There might be a few cases in which it is difficult or impossible to use the marshalling gear to solve an interop problem, but I don't know of any.)

Of course, as I said, if you are the person writing the Marshal class then obviously you don't get to use the marshalling layer to solve your problem. In that case you'd need to implement it using pointers.

Why does C# expose this functionality through an unsafe context, and remove all of the managed advantages from it?

Those managed advantages come with performance costs. For example, every time you ask an array for its tenth element, the runtime needs to do a check to see if there is a tenth element, and throw an exception if there isn't. With pointers that runtime cost is eliminated.

The corresponding developer cost is that if you do it wrong then you get to deal with memory corruption bugs that formats your hard disk and crashes your process an hour later rather than dealing with a nice clean exception at the point of the error.

Is it possible to use pointers without losing any advantages of managed environment, theoretically?

By "advantages" I assume you mean advantages like garbage collection, type safety and referential integrity. Thus your question is essentially "is it in theory possible to turn off the safety system but still get the benefits of the safety system being turned on?" No, clearly it is not. If you turn off that safety system because you don't like how expensive it is then you don't get the benefits of it being on!


Pointers are an inherent contradiction to the managed, garbage-collected, environment.
Once you start messing with raw pointers, the GC has no clue what's going on.

Specifically, it cannot tell whether objects are reachable, since it doesn't know where your pointers are.
It also cannot move objects around in memory, since that would break your pointers.

All of this would be solved by GC-tracked pointers; that's what references are.

You should only use pointers in messy advanced interop scenarios or for highly sophisticated optimization.
If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't.


The GC can move references around; using unsafe keeps an object outside of the GC's control, and avoids this. "Fixed" pins an object, but lets the GC manage the memory.

By definition, if you have a pointer to the address of an object, and the GC moves it, your pointer is no longer valid.

As to why you need pointers: Primary reason is to work with unmanaged DLLs, e.g. those written in C++

Also note, when you pin variables and use pointers, you're more susceptible to heap fragmentation.


You've touched on the core issue of managed vs. unmanaged code... how does the memory get released?

You can mix code for performance as you describe, you just can't cross managed/unmanaged boundaries with pointers (i.e. you can't use pointers outside of the 'unsafe' context).

As for how they get cleaned... You have to manage your own memory; objects that your pointers point to were created/allocated (usually within the C++ DLL) using (hopefully) CoTaskMemAlloc(), and you have to release that memory in the same manner, calling CoTaskMemFree(), or you'll have a memory leak. Note that only memory allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc() can be freed with CoTaskMemFree().

The other alternative is to expose a method from your native C++ dll that takes a pointer and frees it... this lets the DLL decide how to free the memory, which works best if it used some other method to allocate memory. Most native dlls you work with are third-party dlls that you can't modify, and they don't usually have (that I've seen) such functions to call.

An example of freeing memory, taken from here:

string[] array = new string[2];
array[0] = "hello";
array[1] = "world";
IntPtr ptr = test(array);
string result = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(ptr);

Some more reading material:

C# deallocate memory referenced by IntPtr The second answer down explains the different allocation/deallocation methods

How to free IntPtr in C#? Reinforces the need to deallocate in the same manner the memory was allocated

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa366533%28VS.85%29.aspx Official MSDN documentation on the various ways to allocate and deallocate memory.

In short... you need to know how the memory was allocated in order to free it.

Edit If I understand your question correctly, the short answer is yes, you can hand the data off to unmanaged pointers, work with it in an unsafe context, and have the data available once you exit the unsafe context.

The key is that you have to pin the managed object you're referencing with a fixed block. This prevents the memory you're referencing from being moved by the GC while in the unsafe block. There are a number of subtleties involved here, e.g. you can't reassign a pointer initialized in a fixed block... you should read up on unsafe and fixed statements if you're really set on managing your own code.

All that said, the benefits of managing your own objects and using pointers in the manner you describe may not buy you as much of a performance increase as you might think. Reasons why not:

  1. C# is very optimized and very fast
  2. Your pointer code is still generated as IL, which has to be jitted (at which point further optimizations come into play)
  3. You're not turning the Garbage Collector off... you're just keeping the objects you're working with out of the GC's purview. So every 100ms or so, the GC still interrupts your code and executes its functions for all the other variables in your managed code.



The most common reasons to use pointers explicitly in C#:

  • doing low-level work (like string manipulation) that is very performance sensitive,
  • interfacing with unmanaged APIs.

The reason why the syntax associated with pointers was removed from C# (according to my knowledge and viewpoint — Jon Skeet would answer better B-)) was it turned out to be superfluous in most situations.

From the language design perspective, once you manage memory by a garbage collector you have to introduce severe constraints on what is and what is not possible to do with pointers. For example, using a pointer to point into the middle of an object can cause severe problems to the GC. Hence, once the restrictions are in place, you can just omit the extra syntax and end up with “automatic” references.

Also, the ultra-benevolent approach found in C/C++ is a common source of errors. For most situations, where micro-performance doesn't matter at all, it is better to offer tighter rules and constrain the developer in favor of less bugs that would be very hard to discover. Thus for common business applications the so-called “managed” environments like .NET and Java are better suited than languages that presume to work against the bare-metal machine.


Say you want to communicate between 2 application using IPC (shared memory) then you can marshal the data to memory and pass this data pointer to the other application via windows messaging or something. At receiving application you can fetch data back.

Useful also in case of transferring data from .NET to legacy VB6 apps wherein you will marshal the data to memory, pass pointer to VB6 app using win msging, use VB6 copymemory() to fetch data from the managed memory space to VB6 apps unmanaged memory space..

