I have an iOS app with UITabBarController
on a master screen, navigating to a detail screen hiding the UITabBarController
with setting hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = true
When going back to the master screen the UITabBarController
does a strange "jump" as shown on this GIF:
This happens only on iOS 12.1, not on 12.0 or 11.x.
Seems like an iOS 12.1 bug, because I noticed other apps like FB Messenger with this behavior, but I was wondering, is there some kind of workaround for it?
In your UITabBarController
, set isTranslucent = false
Apple has now fixed that in iOS 12.1.1
I guess it's Apple's bug But you can try this as a hot fix: just create a class for your tabBar with following code:
import UIKit
class FixedTabBar: UITabBar {
var itemFrames = [CGRect]()
var tabBarItems = [UIView]()
override func layoutSubviews() {
if itemFrames.isEmpty, let UITabBarButtonClass = NSClassFromString("UITabBarButton") as? NSObject.Type {
tabBarItems = subviews.filter({$0.isKind(of: UITabBarButtonClass)})
if !itemFrames.isEmpty, !tabBarItems.isEmpty, itemFrames.count == items?.count {
tabBarItems.enumerated().forEach({$0.element.frame = itemFrames[$0.offset]})
In my case (iOS 12.1.4), I found that this weird glitchy behaviour was triggered by modals being presented with the .modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
After updating their presentationStyle to .overFullScreen
, the glitch went away.
Here's a solution that can handle rotation and tab bar items being added or removed:
class FixedTabBar: UITabBar {
var buttonFrames: [CGRect] = []
var size: CGSize = .zero
override func layoutSubviews() {
if UIDevice.current.systemVersion >= "12.1" {
let buttons = subviews.filter {
String(describing: type(of: $0)).hasSuffix("Button")
if buttonFrames.count == buttons.count, size == bounds.size {
zip(buttons, buttonFrames).forEach { $0.0.frame = $0.1 }
} else {
buttonFrames = buttons.map { $0.frame }
size = bounds.size
import UIKit
extension UITabBar{
open override func layoutSubviews() {
if let UITabBarButtonClass = NSClassFromString("UITabBarButton") as? NSObject.Type{
let subItems = self.subviews.filter({return $0.isKind(of: UITabBarButtonClass)})
if subItems.count > 0{
let tmpWidth = UIScreen.main.bounds.width / CGFloat(subItems.count)
for (index,item) in subItems.enumerated(){
item.frame = CGRect(x: CGFloat(index) * tmpWidth, y: 0, width: tmpWidth, height: item.bounds.height)
open override func hitTest(_ point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> UIView? {
if let view:UITabBar = super.hitTest(point, with: event) as? UITabBar{
for item in view.subviews{
if point.x >= item.frame.origin.x && point.x <= item.frame.origin.x + item.frame.size.width{
return item
return super.hitTest(point, with: event)
there are two ways to fix this issue, Firstly, In your UITabBarController, set isTranslucent = false like:
[[UITabBar appearance] setTranslucent:NO];
sencondly, if the first solution does not fix your issur, try this way:
here is the Objective-C code
// .h
@interface CYLTabBar : UITabBar
// .m
#import "CYLTabBar.h"
OverrideImplementation(Class targetClass, SEL targetSelector, id (^implementationBlock)(Class originClass, SEL originCMD, IMP originIMP)) {
Method originMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(targetClass, targetSelector);
if (!originMethod) {
return NO;
IMP originIMP = method_getImplementation(originMethod);
method_setImplementation(originMethod, imp_implementationWithBlock(implementationBlock(targetClass, targetSelector, originIMP)));
return YES;
@implementation CYLTabBar
+ (void)load {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
if (@available(iOS 12.1, *)) {
OverrideImplementation(NSClassFromString(@"UITabBarButton"), @selector(setFrame:), ^id(__unsafe_unretained Class originClass, SEL originCMD, IMP originIMP) {
return ^(UIView *selfObject, CGRect firstArgv) {
if ([selfObject isKindOfClass:originClass]) {
if (!CGRectIsEmpty(selfObject.frame) && CGRectIsEmpty(firstArgv)) {
// call super
void (*originSelectorIMP)(id, SEL, CGRect);
originSelectorIMP = (void (*)(id, SEL, CGRect))originIMP;
originSelectorIMP(selfObject, originCMD, firstArgv);
More information:https://github.com/ChenYilong/CYLTabBarController/commit/2c741c8bffd47763ad2fca198202946a2a63c4fc
You can override - (UIEdgeInsets)safeAreaInsets
method for few iOS 12 subversions with this:
- (UIEdgeInsets)safeAreaInsets {
UIEdgeInsets insets = [super safeAreaInsets];
CGFloat h = CGRectGetHeight(self.frame);
if (insets.bottom >= h) {
insets.bottom = [self.window safeAreaInsets].bottom;
return insets;
Thanks for the idea of @ElonChan,
I just changed the c inline function to OC static method, since I won't use this overrideImplementation
too much. And also, this snippet was adjusted to iPhoneX now.
static CGFloat const kIPhoneXTabbarButtonErrorHeight = 33;
static CGFloat const kIPhoneXTabbarButtonHeight = 48;
@implementation FixedTabBar
typedef void(^NewTabBarButtonFrameSetter)(UIView *, CGRect);
typedef NewTabBarButtonFrameSetter (^ImpBlock)(Class originClass, SEL originCMD, IMP originIMP);
+ (BOOL)overrideImplementationWithTargetClass:(Class)targetClass targetSelector:(SEL)targetSelector implementBlock:(ImpBlock)implementationBlock {
Method originMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(targetClass, targetSelector);
if (!originMethod) {
return NO;
IMP originIMP = method_getImplementation(originMethod);
method_setImplementation(originMethod, imp_implementationWithBlock(implementationBlock(targetClass, targetSelector, originIMP)));
return YES;
+ (void)load {
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
if (@available(iOS 12.1, *)) {
[self overrideImplementationWithTargetClass:NSClassFromString(@"UITabBarButton")
implementBlock:^NewTabBarButtonFrameSetter(__unsafe_unretained Class originClass, SEL originCMD, IMP originIMP) {
return ^(UIView *selfObject, CGRect firstArgv) {
if ([selfObject isKindOfClass:originClass]) {
if (!CGRectIsEmpty(selfObject.frame) && CGRectIsEmpty(firstArgv)) {
if (firstArgv.size.height == kIPhoneXTabbarButtonErrorHeight) {
firstArgv.size.height = kIPhoneXTabbarButtonHeight;
void (*originSelectorIMP)(id, SEL, CGRect);
originSelectorIMP = (void (*)(id, SEL, CGRect))originIMP;
originSelectorIMP(selfObject, originCMD, firstArgv);
here is the swift code
extension UIApplication {
open override var next: UIResponder? {
// Called before applicationDidFinishLaunching
return super.next
class SwizzlingHelper {
static func enableInjection() {
DispatchQueue.once(token: "com.SwizzlingInjection") {
//what to need inject
} more information https://github.com/tonySwiftDev/UITabbar-fixIOS12.1Bug
I was facing the exact same issue, where the app was architectured with one navigation controller per tab. The easiest non-hacky way that I found to fix this, was to place the UITabBarController
inside a UINavigationController
, and remove the individual UINavigationController
-> UINavigationController -> UIViewController
-> UINavigationController -> UIViewController
UITabBarController -> UINavigationController -> UIViewController
-> UINavigationController -> UIViewController
-> UINavigationController -> UIViewController
-> UIViewController
-> UIViewController
UINavigationController -> UITabBarController -> UIViewController
-> UIViewController
-> UIViewController
By using the outer UINavigationController
, you don't need to hide the UITabBar
when pushing a view controller onto the navigation stack.
The only issue I found so far, is that setting the title or right/left bar button items on each UIViewController
does not have the same effect. To overcome this issue, I applied the changes via the UITabBarControllerDelegate
when the visible UIViewController
has changed.
func tabBarController(_ tabBarController: UITabBarController, didSelect viewController: UIViewController) {
guard let topItem = self.navigationController?.navigationBar.topItem else { return }
precondition(self.navigationController == viewController.navigationController, "Navigation controllers do not match. The following changes might result in unexpected behaviour.")
topItem.title = viewController.title
topItem.titleView = viewController.navigationItem.titleView
topItem.leftBarButtonItem = viewController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem
topItem.rightBarButtonItem = viewController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem
Note that I have added a preconditionFailure
to catch any case when the navigation architecture has been modified
If you still want to keep your tab bar translucent you need to subclass from UITabBar
and override property safeAreaInsets
class MyTabBar: UITabBar {
private var safeInsets = UIEdgeInsets.zero
@available(iOS 11.0, *)
override var safeAreaInsets: UIEdgeInsets {
set {
if newValue != UIEdgeInsets.zero {
safeInsets = newValue
get {
return safeInsets
The idea is to not allow system to set zero
insets, so tab bar won't jump.