Using compileSdkVersion 23, however trying to support as far back as 9.
getNetworkInfo(int) was deprecated in 23. The suggestion was to use getAllNetworks() and getNetworkInfo(Network) instead. However both of these require minimum of API 21.
Is there a class that we can use in the support package that can assist with this?
I know that a solution was proposed before, however the challenge of my minimum API requirements of 9 poses a problem.
You can use:
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (activeNetwork != null) {
// connected to the internet
if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
// connected to wifi
} else if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
// connected to mobile data
} else {
// not connected to the internet
Or in a switch case
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (activeNetwork != null) {
// connected to the internet
switch (activeNetwork.getType()) {
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI:
// connected to wifi
case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE:
// connected to mobile data
} else {
// not connected to the internet
As for October 2018, accepted answer is deprecated.
, and types themselves, are now deprecated in API Level 28. From Javadoc:
Callers should switch to checking NetworkCapabilities#hasTransport instead with one of the NetworkCapabilities#TRANSPORT* constants
In order to use NetworkCapabilities
, you need to pass a Network
instance to the getNetworkCapabilities()
method. To get that instance you need to call getActiveNetwork()
which was added in API Level 23.
So I believe for now the right way to safely check whether you are connected to Wi-Fi or cellular network is:
public static boolean isNetworkConnected() {
final ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager)context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (cm != null) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) {
final NetworkInfo ni = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (ni != null) {
return (ni.isConnected() && (ni.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI || ni.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE));
} else {
final Network n = cm.getActiveNetwork();
if (n != null) {
final NetworkCapabilities nc = cm.getNetworkCapabilities(n);
return (nc.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR) || nc.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI));
return false;
You can also check for other types of TRANSPORT
, which you can find here.
Important note: if you are connected to Wi-Fi and to a VPN, then your current state could be TRANSPORT_VPN
, so you might want to also check for it.
Don't forget to add the following permission to your AndroidManifest file:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
The accepted answer is deprecated again in 28 (Android P)
, but its replacement method only works on 23 (Android M)
. To support older devices, I wrote a helper function.
How to use:
int type = getConnectionType(getApplicationContext());
It returns an int
, you can change it to enum
in your code:
0: No Internet available (maybe on airplane mode, or in the process of joining an wi-fi).
1: Cellular (mobile data, 3G/4G/LTE whatever).
2: Wi-fi.
You can copy either the Kotlin or the Java version of the helper function.
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 2)
fun getConnectionType(context: Context): Int {
var result = 0 // Returns connection type. 0: none; 1: mobile data; 2: wifi
val cm = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager?
cm?.run {
cm.getNetworkCapabilities(cm.activeNetwork)?.run {
if (hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)) {
result = 2
} else if (hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) {
result = 1
} else {
cm?.run {
cm.activeNetworkInfo?.run {
if (type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
result = 2
} else if (type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
result = 1
return result
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 2)
public static int getConnectionType(Context context) {
int result = 0; // Returns connection type. 0: none; 1: mobile data; 2: wifi
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (cm != null) {
NetworkCapabilities capabilities = cm.getNetworkCapabilities(cm.getActiveNetwork());
if (capabilities != null) {
if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)) {
result = 2;
} else if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) {
result = 1;
} else {
if (cm != null) {
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (activeNetwork != null) {
// connected to the internet
if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
result = 2;
} else if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
result = 1;
return result;
Updated answer (19:07:2018):
This method will help you check if the internet connection is available.
public static boolean isNetworkAvailable(Context context) {
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (connectivityManager != null) {
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
return (activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnectedOrConnecting());
} else {
return false;
Old answer:
For best code reuse practice, improvising Cheese Bread answer.
public static boolean isNetworkAvailable(Context context) {
int[] networkTypes = {ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE,
try {
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager =
(ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
for (int networkType : networkTypes) {
NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (activeNetworkInfo != null &&
activeNetworkInfo.getType() == networkType)
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return false;
The code can be placed in Util class and can be used to check whether the phone is connected to Internet via Wifi or Mobile Internet from any part of your application.
The accepted answer is deprecated in version 28 so here is the solution that I am using in my project.
Returns connection type. false: no Internet Connection; true: mobile data || wifi
public static boolean isNetworkConnected(Context context) {
boolean result = false;
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (cm != null) {
NetworkCapabilities capabilities = cm.getNetworkCapabilities(cm.getActiveNetwork());
if (capabilities != null) {
if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)) {
result = true;
} else if (capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) {
result = true;
} else {
if (cm != null) {
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (activeNetwork != null) {
// connected to the internet
if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
result = true;
} else if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
result = true;
return result;
To check if you're online:
boolean isOnline() {
// Checking internet connectivity
ConnectivityManager connectivityMgr = (ConnectivityManager) this.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = null;
if (connectivityMgr != null) {
activeNetwork = connectivityMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo();
return activeNetwork != null;
To get the type of internet connectivity before/after android M
void internetType() {
// Checking internet connectivity
ConnectivityManager connectivityMgr = (ConnectivityManager) this.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = null;
if (connectivityMgr != null) {
activeNetwork = connectivityMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo();
NetworkCapabilities nc = connectivityMgr.getNetworkCapabilities(connectivityMgr.getActiveNetwork());
if (nc.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)) {
// connected to mobile data
} else if (nc.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI)) {
// connected to wifi
} else {
if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI) {
// connected to wifi
} else if (activeNetwork.getType() == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) {
// connected to mobile data
All cases requires a permission to access network state
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
Kotlin version:
fun isInternetOn(context: Context): Boolean {
val cm = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as? ConnectivityManager
val activeNetwork = cm?.activeNetworkInfo
return activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnected
It is good to check whether your network is connected to Internet:
fun isNetworkAvailable(context: Context): Boolean {
try {
val cm = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager
return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 22) {
val an = cm.activeNetwork ?: return false
val capabilities = cm.getNetworkCapabilities(an) ?: return false
} else {
val a = cm.activeNetworkInfo ?: return false
a.isConnected && (a.type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI || a.type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return false
As Cheese Bread suggested, use getActiveNetworkInfo()
Added in API level 1
NetworkInfo getActiveNetworkInfo ()
Returns details about the currently active default data network. When connected, this network is the default route for outgoing connections. You should always check isConnected() before initiating network traffic. This may return null when there is no default network. This method requires the caller to hold the permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE. Returns NetworkInfo a NetworkInfo object for the current default network or null if no default network is currently active.
Reference : Android Studio
public final boolean isInternetOn() {
// get Connectivity Manager object to check connection
ConnectivityManager connec =
// Check for network connections
if ( connec.getActiveNetworkInfo().getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED ||
connec.getActiveNetworkInfo().getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTING ) {
// if connected with internet
Toast.makeText(this, connec.getActiveNetworkInfo().getTypeName(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
return true;
} else if (
connec.getActiveNetworkInfo().getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED ||
connec.getActiveNetworkInfo().getState() == android.net.NetworkInfo.State.DISCONNECTED ) {
Toast.makeText(this, " Not Connected ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
return false;
return false;
now call the method , for safe use try catch
try {
if (isInternetOn()) { /* connected actions */ }
else { /* not connected actions */ }
} catch (Exception e){
Toast.makeText(this, e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
And do not forget to add:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
In order to be on the safe side, i would suggest to use also method
The whole method could be as below:
* Checking whether network is connected
* @param context Context to get {@link ConnectivityManager}
* @return true if Network is connected, else false
public static boolean isConnected(Context context){
ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
NetworkInfo activeNetwork = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo();
if (activeNetwork != null && activeNetwork.isConnected()) {
int networkType = activeNetwork.getType();
return networkType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI || networkType == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE;
} else {
return false;
Here's how I check if the current network is using cellular or not on the latest Android versions:
val isCellular: Boolean get() {
val cm = getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager
return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
} else {
cm.activeNetworkInfo?.type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE
(Almost) All answers are deprecated in Android P, so here is C#
solution (which is easy to follow for Java developers)
public bool IsOnline(Context context)
var cm = (ConnectivityManager)context.GetSystemService(Context.ConnectivityService);
if (cm == null) return false;
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt < BuildVersionCodes.M)
var ni = cm.ActiveNetworkInfo;
if (ni == null) return false;
return ni.IsConnected && (ni.Type == ConnectivityType.Wifi || ni.Type == ConnectivityType.Mobile);
return cm.GetNetworkCapabilities(cm.ActiveNetwork).HasTransport(Android.Net.TransportType.Wifi)
|| cm.GetNetworkCapabilities(cm.ActiveNetwork).HasTransport(Android.Net.TransportType.Cellular);
The key here is Android.Net.TransportType
We may need to check internet connectivity more than once. So it will be easier for us if we write the code block in an extension method of Context
. Below are my helper extensions for Context
and Fragment
Checking Internet Connection
fun Context.hasInternet(): Boolean {
val connectivityManager = getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager
return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) {
val activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.activeNetworkInfo
activeNetworkInfo != null && activeNetworkInfo.isConnected
} else {
val nc = connectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(connectivityManager.activeNetwork)
if (nc == null) {
} else {
nc.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR) ||
Other Extensions
fun Context.hasInternet(notifyNoInternet: Boolean = true, trueFunc: (internet: Boolean) -> Unit) {
if (hasInternet()) {
} else if (notifyNoInternet) {
Toast.makeText(this, "No Internet Connection!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
fun Context.hasInternet(
trueFunc: (internet: Boolean) -> Unit,
falseFunc: (internet: Boolean) -> Unit
) {
if (hasInternet()) {
} else {
fun Fragment.hasInternet(): Boolean = context!!.hasInternet()
fun Fragment.hasInternet(notifyNoInternet: Boolean = true, trueFunc: (internet: Boolean) -> Unit) =
context!!.hasInternet(notifyNoInternet, trueFunc)
fun Fragment.hasInternet(
trueFunc: (internet: Boolean) -> Unit, falseFunc: (internet: Boolean) -> Unit
) = context!!.hasInternet(trueFunc, falseFunc)
check if Internet is available
@RequiresPermission(allOf = [
fun isInternetAvailable(context: Context): Boolean {
val connectivityManager = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager?
val activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager!!.activeNetworkInfo
return activeNetworkInfo != null && activeNetworkInfo.isConnected
Since answers posted only allow you to query the active network, here's how to get NetworkInfo
for any network, not only the active one (for example Wifi network) (sorry, Kotlin code ahead)
(getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager).run {
allNetworks.find { getNetworkInfo(it).type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI }?.let { network -> getNetworkInfo(network) }
// getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI).isAvailable // This is the deprecated API pre-21
This requires API 21 or higher and the permission android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
NetManager that you can use to check internet connection on Android with Kotlin
If you use minSdkVersion >= 23
class NetManager @Inject constructor(var applicationContext: Context) {
val isConnectedToInternet: Boolean?
get() = with(
as ConnectivityManager
) {
fun ConnectivityManager.isConnectedToInternet() = isConnected(getNetworkCapabilities(activeNetwork))
fun isConnected(networkCapabilities: NetworkCapabilities?): Boolean {
return when (networkCapabilities) {
null -> false
else -> with(networkCapabilities) { hasTransport(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR) || hasTransport(TRANSPORT_WIFI) }
If you use minSdkVersion < 23
class NetManager @Inject constructor(var applicationContext: Context) {
val isConnectedToInternet: Boolean?
get() = with(
as ConnectivityManager
) {
fun ConnectivityManager.isConnectedToInternet(): Boolean = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 23) {
} else {
fun isConnected(network: NetworkInfo?): Boolean {
return when (network) {
null -> false
else -> with(network) { isConnected && (type == TYPE_WIFI || type == TYPE_MOBILE) }
fun isConnected(networkCapabilities: NetworkCapabilities?): Boolean {
return when (networkCapabilities) {
null -> false
else -> with(networkCapabilities) { hasTransport(TRANSPORT_CELLULAR) || hasTransport(TRANSPORT_WIFI) }
public boolean isConnectedToWifi(Context context) {
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (connectivityManager == null) {
return false;
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
Network network = connectivityManager.getActiveNetwork();
NetworkCapabilities capabilities = connectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(network);
if (capabilities == null) {
return false;
return capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI);
} else {
NetworkInfo networkInfo = connectivityManager.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);
if (networkInfo == null) {
return false;
return networkInfo.isConnected();
connectivityManager.getActiveNetwork() is not found in below android M (API 28). networkInfo.getState() is deprecated above android L.
So, final answer is:
public static boolean isConnectingToInternet(Context mContext) {
if (mContext == null) return false;
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (connectivityManager != null) {
final Network network = connectivityManager.getActiveNetwork();
if (network != null) {
final NetworkCapabilities nc = connectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(network);
return (nc.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR) ||
} else {
NetworkInfo[] networkInfos = connectivityManager.getAllNetworkInfo();
for (NetworkInfo tempNetworkInfo : networkInfos) {
if (tempNetworkInfo.isConnected()) {
return true;
return false;