Python, review and speed up A* algorithm

岁酱吖の 提交于 2019-12-14 03:56:35


I have implemented an A* algorithm to find the shortest path between two points in a grid world. For large path lengths the algorithm takes a very long time. I was first wondering if my implementation is correct, and if any optimization could take place?

The arguments for the aStar algorithm, are the current position of you and the position you desire to travel to as (x,y) tuples.

The Node.value of a node is a direction to travel (NSEW), getAdjacentNodes() returns a list of nodes directly adjacent to this one that we can travel to.

#Perform an A* search to find the best path to the dirt
  def aStar(self, current, end):
    openSet = set()   #Set of explorable nodes
    openHeap = []     #All paths heap, lowest cost on top
    closedSet = set() #Best path so far
    curNode = Node(0, current, self.manHatDist(current, end))
    while openSet:
      curNode = heapq.heappop(openHeap)[1]
      if curNode.pos == end:
          return self.getDirections(curNode)
      for tile in self.getAdjacentNodes(curNode.pos):
         if tile not in closedSet:
             tile.parent = curNode
             tile.cost = self.manHatDist(curNode.pos, end) + self.euclidDist(curNode.pos, current) + curNode.cost
             if tile not in openSet:
                 heapq.heappush(openHeap, (tile.cost,tile))
    return []

  #Get the moves made to get to this endNode
  def getDirections(self, endNode):
    moves = []
    tmpNode = endNode
    while tmpNode.parent is not None:
      tmpNode = tmpNode.parent
    return moves

Node class

# Node class for A* search
class Node:
  def __init__(self, value, pos, cost):
    self.pos = pos
    self.cost = cost
    self.value = value
    self.parent = None

  def __lt__(a, b):
    if(a.cost < b.cost):
      return 1
    return 0

  def __gt__(a, b):
    if(a.cost > b.cost):
      return 1
    return 0

EDIT - Here is the getAdjacentNodes method

  #Return all possible moves from given tile as Node objects
  def getAdjacentNodes(self, curPos):
    allMoves = ['North','South','East','West']
    posMoves = []
    for direction in allMoves:
      if(self.canMove(direction, curPos)):
        posMoves.append(Node(direction, self.getLocIfMove(curPos, direction), 0))
    return posMoves

EDIT2 - Profiling result

Profile Result Pastebin Link


This looks wrong to me:

for tile in self.getAdjacentNodes(curNode.pos):
    if tile not in closedSet:
        tile.parent = curNode
        tile.cost = self.manHatDist(curNode.pos, end) + self.euclidDist(curNode.pos, current) + curNode.cost
        if tile not in openSet:
            heapq.heappush(openHeap, (tile.cost,tile))

First problem. The computation of the cost of the new tile is:

self.manHatDist(curNode.pos, end) + self.euclidDist(curNode.pos, current) + curNode.cost

but it ought to be:

- self.manHatDist(curNode.pos, end)
+ self.euclidDist(curNode.pos, tile.pos)
+ self.manHatDist(tile.pos, end)

(You could avoid the subtraction in the computation of the cost of the new tile if you were cleverer about the way you represent the search nodes, but I will leave that to you.)

Second problem. Having discovered that tile is not in closedSet, you immediately assume that the best way to get to tile is via curNode. But isn't it possible that tile is already in openSet? If so, there might be another route to tile that's better than the one via curNode.* So this code ought to read:

for tile in self.getAdjacentNodes(curNode.pos):
    if tile not in closedSet:
        cost = (curNode.cost
                - self.manHatDist(curNode.pos, end)
                + self.euclidDist(curNode.pos, tile.pos)
                + self.manHatDist(tile.pos, end))
        if tile not in openSet or cost < tile.cost:
            tile.parent = curNode
            tile.cost = cost
            heapq.heappush(openHeap, (cost,tile))

I can't say if this will solve your performance problems. But it might give better results.

* There couldn't be a shorter route if self.euclidDist(curNode.pos, tile.pos) is always 1. But if that's the case, why bother with the euclidDist method?

