I have a script that is called over apache 2.4 on Ubuntu 14.10. All sites work fine but one that doesn't work on one of my computers. The page-generation dies after exactly 900 seconds (15 Minutes).
In my /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
there is no such timeout.
What could it be, that waits 900 seconds before it timeouts?
Here is my php.ini
I have installed php5-ssh2, mysql, ... everything standard debian Ubuntu otherwise
EDIT: could it be connected with nfs?
Because the only value of 900 in my whole /etc folder is:
find /etc/ -type f -name "*" -exec grep -H "=900" {} \;
/etc/init.d/mountnfs.sh: TIMEOUT=900
There doesn't seem to be any such value in the PHP configuration.
I also checked .htaccess
in my site.
In the end I found the solution by searching through my site by several fractions of 900:
find . -type f -name "*" -exec egrep -H "=20\*45" {} \;
find . -type f -name "*" -exec egrep -H "=15\*60" {} \;
and finally found such a limit inside the code:
./app/controllers/jobs_controller.php: $maxwait=15*60; // wait seconds till quit (15 Minutes)
The largest Error Source usually sits 30 cm in front of the screen