I am trying to use LAPACK's dgels_ in C to solve a linear least squares problem. I have to read the matrix A (assumed to have full rank and m>=n) and a vector b from 2 text files. I can easily compile my code, but when i try to run it I get a "segmentation fault 11", but I can't really see why. It is my first time using LAPACK so I don't know if maybe I am using the dgels_ function wrong?? The way I get it the solution x will be overwritten in the vector b? :
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "linalg.h"
/* C prototype for LAPACK routine DGELS */
void dgels_(const char * trans, const int * m, const int * n, const int *
nrhs, double * A, const int * lda, double * B, const int * ldb, double * work,
int * lwork,int * info);
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
vector_t * b_t = NULL;
matrix_t * A_t = NULL;
char trans = 'N';
int m, n, nrhs, mb, lda, ldb, info, lwork;
double optwork;
double * work;
// we read the matrix A and the vector b:
b_t = read_vector("b.txt");
A_t = read_matrix("A.txt");
m = A_t-> m; //number of rows in A
n = A_t-> n; //number of columns in A
nrhs = 1; //number of columns in B (will always be 1, since we read b_t with read_vector)
mb = b_t -> n; //number of rows in B
if (mb != m ) { //end program if A and B doesn't have the same number of rows
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, but the matrix A and the vector b have incompatible dimensions. Good Bye!\n");
//We make A and B into the wanted input form for the dgels_-function:
double * B = b_t -> v;
double ** A = A_t ->A;
lda = m;
ldb = mb;
//we calculate the optimal size of the work array:
lwork = -1;
dgels_(&trans, &n, &m, &nrhs, *A, &lda, B, &ldb, &optwork, &lwork, &info);
lwork = (int)optwork;
//we allocate space for the work array:
work = (double*)malloc( lwork*sizeof(double));
//solving the least squares problem:
dgels_(&trans, &n, &m, &nrhs, *A, &lda, B, &ldb, work, &lwork, &info);
//Check whether there was an successful exit:
if (info > 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, but illegal arguments were used, and therefore a least square solution cannot be computes. Good Bye!\n");
} else if(info < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Sorry, but A doesn't have full rank, and therefore a least square solution cannot be computed. Good Bye!\n");
//Saving the least square problem as a vector_t:
vector_t * x = NULL;
x->n = mb;
x->v = B;
//Free memory
I am using the functions read_matrix, read_vector, print_vector, print_matrix and free_vector, which is why I use the struct vector_t and matrix_t:
typedef struct vector {
unsigned long n; /* length of vector */
double * v; /* pointer to array of length n */
} vector_t;
typedef struct matrix {
unsigned long m; /* number of rows */
unsigned long n; /* number of columns */
double ** A; /* pointer to two-dimensional array */
} matrix_t;
I don't think that anything is wrong with read_vector and read_matrix because I can easily do this and use print_vector or print_matrix before I do all of the other operations.
You dereference a NULL pointer here, causing the segfault:
//Saving the least square problem as a vector_t:
vector_t * x = NULL;
x->n = mb;
x->v = B;
Maybe you should use/create a new vector_t
instead of just a pointer to a vector_t