I'm reading through elements on the page (of all kinds) with JavaScript and modifying them if needed. When I do modify one of the elements, I want to leave a marker behind to say that I modified it. Then later, I can read through the elements on the page and if I find that marker, I know it's one of the elements I modified and can restore it. Here's code that's working for me, but it was suggested I should be using setAttribute and getAttribute rather than what I'm doing:
//hide some elements, after first leaving a marker and saving orig. val
for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
if(should_i_hide_this_element(elements[i])) { //external logic unimportant
elements[i].wasModifiedByMe = true; //mark element as modified
elements[i].origViz = elements[i].style.visibility; //save visibility val
elements[i].style.visibility = "hidden"; //and give it a new val
The corresponding code to restore the element values is like this:
for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) {
if(elements[i].wasModifiedByMe) { //This is one I modified
elements[i].style.visibility = elements[i].origViz; //restore original val
elements[i].wasModifiedByMe = false; //mark as not modified now
The question is, should I be using setAttribute and getAttribute for my wasModifiedByMe boolean and my origViz properties? I don't believe currently that I need to use the attribute functions for my own added properties.
Following thread discussions below, I tried this test:
<!doctype html>
<div id="mydiv">DIV</div>
var elem = document.getElementById("mydiv");
elem.secretproperty = "not_seen_in_elements_tab_in_chrome_dev_tools";
and in the elements tab in the chrome dev tools, I saw that mydiv was showing that publicproperty attribute as part of the div. It was NOT showing the secretproperty though.
It's as I thought. Using setAttribute is setting a HTML Attribute that is also reflected in the javascript object, but when NOT using setAttribute and adding a property to the javascript host object, the reflection does not go the other way (TO the HTML attributes). This is what I want. I don't want that every element I've hidden suddenly displays a wasHiddenByMe="true" attribute (although there is merit in that, I see that).
There are some issues with setting your own properties of DOM elements, covered by this article on perfectionkills.com. It talks about extending DOM element prototypes, but the sections
- Host objects have no rules,
- Chance of collisions (see also Don’t modify objects you don’t own) and
- IE DOM is a mess
are relevant to you. Yet, if your are aware of the issues I think it is OK - it is the only way to accociate custom objects to DOM elements.
If you can use HTML5 techniques, you also may have a look at data attributes. For simple boolean markers they may be the superior approach.
For adding attributes to HTML Elements, the W3C standard is setAttribute
. You can't use it for element
However, setting attributes by simply doing element
* still works. It's just not a real standard, so it may be better to use setAttribute
, but this is up to your preference.