How to get the patch of every changed file of a single commit?

喜夏-厌秋 提交于 2019-12-14 02:29:36


I’m trying to get some information about the commit-history by mining a git-repository. I’m using the package libgit2sharp.

So far, I got the commit-author, committer, sha-value, commit-date and the commit-message. My problem is to move through the repository-tree, to get the patch of all changed files of every single commit.

Does anybody solve this problem before, or can help me?

using (var repo = new Repository(@"path\to\.git"))
                var commits = repo.Commits; 
                Commit lastCommit = commits.Last();

                foreach (Commit commit in commits)
                    if (commit.Sha != lastCommit.Sha)
                        Console.WriteLine(commit.Author.When); //Commit-Date

                        Tree tree = commit.Tree;
                        Tree parentCommitTree = lastCommit.Tree; 

                        TreeChanges changes = repo.Diff.Compare<TreeChanges>(parentCommitTree, tree);
                        foreach (TreeEntryChanges treeEntryChanges in changes)
                            ObjectId oldcontenthash = treeEntryChanges.OldOid;
                            ObjectId newcontenthash = treeEntryChanges.Oid;

Another trying is the following code. It shows the files and folder of the root-level, but I cant open a folder.

foreach(TreeEntry treeEntry in tree)
    // Blob blob1 = (Blob)treeEntry.Target;

    var targettype = treeEntry.TargetType;
    if (targettype == TreeEntryTargetType.Blob)
        string filename = treeEntry.Name;
        string path = treeEntry.Path;
        string sha = treeEntry.Target.Sha;

        var filemode = treeEntry.Mode;
      else if (targettype == TreeEntryTargetType.Tree)
         Console.WriteLine("Folder: " + treeEntry.Name);


>(How) to get the patch of all changed files of every single commit?

Use the Diff.Compare<Patch>() method by passing it the Tree of each Commit you're willing to compare.

Tree commitTree1 = repo.Lookup<Commit>("f8d44d7").Tree;
Tree commitTree2 = repo.Lookup<Commit>("7252fe2").Tree;

var patch = repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(commitTree1, commitTree2);

One can find more usage details by taking a look at the test metthod CanCompareTwoVersionsOfAFileWithADiffOfTwoHunks() in the DiffTreeToTreeFixture.cs test suite.

>Another trying is the following code. It shows the files and folder of the root-level, but I cant open a folder.

Each TreeEntry exposes a Target property returning the pointed at GitObject.

When the TargetType is of type TreeEntryTargetType.Tree, in order to retrieve this child Tree, you'd have to use the following:

var subTree = (Tree)treeEntry.Target;


Thanks for the answer!

Now I receive the patch between two commits. With the following code, the OutOfMemoryException is often thrown.

LibGit2Sharp.Commit lastCommit = commits.First();
repository.CommitCount = commits.Count();
 foreach (LibGit2Sharp.Commit commit in commits) 
    if (commit.Sha != lastCommit.Sha)
       Tree commitTree1 = repo.Lookup<LibGit2Sharp.Commit>(lastCommit.Sha).Tree;
       Tree commitTree2 = repo.Lookup<LibGit2Sharp.Commit>(commit.Sha).Tree;
       var patch = repo.Diff.Compare<Patch>(commitTree1, commitTree2);
       // some value assigments                        
        lastCommit = commit;

