FPDF Letter Spacing

本秂侑毒 提交于 2019-12-14 00:33:13


I am trying to set the letterspacing for a specific 'block' of text in fpdf. I have searched and have only found one way to set the letterspacing for the whole doc, and even that didn't work. The text is posted to the php fpdf generator.

$pdf->SetFont('Arial','b',85, LetterSpacing Here?);

Any help?


Based on other provided answers, I extended the FPDF class that we use so that underlining takes into account user-defined letter spacing.

class Custom_FPDF extends FPDF
protected $FontSpacingPt;      // current font spacing in points
protected $FontSpacing;        // current font spacing in user units

function SetFontSpacing($size)
    $this->FontSpacingPt = $size;
    $this->FontSpacing = $size/$this->k;
    if ($this->page>0)
        $this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3f Tc ET', $size));

protected function _dounderline($x, $y, $txt)
    // Underline text
    $up = $this->CurrentFont['up'];
    $ut = $this->CurrentFont['ut'];
    $w = $this->GetStringWidth($txt)+$this->ws*substr_count($txt,' ')+(strlen($txt)-1)*$this->FontSpacing;
    return sprintf('%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F re f',$x*$this->k,($this->h-($y-$up/1000*$this->FontSize))*$this->k,$w*$this->k,-$ut/1000*$this->FontSizePt);

Sample use test:

$pdf = new Custom_FPDF();
$pdf->SetFont('Arial', 'BU', 11);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Test of letter spacing with underline', 0, 1);
$pdf->Cell(0, 10, 'Test of letter spacing with underline');

Tested extending FPDF version 1.81


Unfortunately you can't do that directly with only FPDF functions. What you need here is to code a new function wich recreate Cell() with some new parameters...

But wait... someone already did that!

It's here: FPDF Add-On by Patrick Benny

It's such a great job that you don't even need something else! :)


This will really allow you to do letter spacing:

// letter-spacing (0 for normal, 0.3 = 33%, 1 = 100%) 
function SetCharSpacing($cs) { 
    $this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET',$cs*$this->k)); 

Credits: http://fpdf.de/forum/showthread.php?t=3241


Place it in your fpdf php class.

function SetFontSpacing( $size ) {
   if ( $this->FontSpacingPt == $size ) return;

   $this->FontSpacingPt = $size;
   $this->FontSpacing = $size / $this->k;

   if ( $this->page > 0 )
   $this->_out( sprintf( 'BT %.3f Tc ET', $size ) );

before that add global variable in fpdf class; var $FontSpacingPt;

Hope it helps with lattest fpdf class.

