I am trying to pass two ICommand parameters on button click to a method in view model.
Now I am able to pass only one parameter.
Code here.
XAML (View):
<Button x:Name="btnAdd" Command="{Binding AddUserCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding IDUser}"/>
View Model:
public string IDUser
return this.personalData.UserID;
if (this.personalData.UserID == value)
this.personalData.UserID = value;
private RelayCommand addUserCommand;
public ICommand AddUserCommand
return addUserCommand ??
(addUserCommand = new RelayCommand(param => this.AddUser(param.ToString())));
public vol AddUser(string userId)
// Do some stuff
Now I want to pass another ICommand parameter on button click. The parameter I want to pass is the value (checked or not) from a checkbox.
<CheckBox x:Name="Status" Content="Married"/>
so that method AddUser in view model will have below signature:
public vol AddUser(string userId, bool status)
// Do some stuff
I know it can be done using MultiBinding in combination with a converter but I do not know exactly how to do it. Also I am not understanding at all why a converter is necessary when using multibinding.
A command takes only one parameter. The Execute
method of the ICommand
interface is defined as:
void Execute(object parameter);
So you can't pass two parameters to a command.
What you could do is to pass an instance of a class that has two properties. This is where the multi converter comes in.
Bind the CommandParameter
to two properties and use the converter to return one object.
<Button x:Name="btnAdd" Command="{Binding AddUserCommand}">
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource yourConverter}">
<Binding Path="IDUser" />
<Binding Path="IsChecked" ElementName="Status" />
public class Converter : IMultiValueConverter
public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
return new YourClass() { IdUser = values[0] as string, IsChecked = System.Convert.ToBoolean(values[1]) };
public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
throw new NotImplementedException();
View Model:
private RelayCommand<YourClass> addUserCommand;
public ICommand AddUserCommand
return addUserCommand ??
(addUserCommand = new RelayCommand<YourClass>(param => this.AddUser(param)));
public vol AddUser(YourClass obj)
string IDUser = obj.IDUser;
bool isChecked = obj.IsChecked;
// Do some stuff
Of course you must also define the YourClass
payload type with the two parameters IDUser
and IsChecked