I have a dnn 7.2.2 development site running under dnndev.me on my local machine. I have created a simple product catalogue module and am trying to integrate the new search for dnn 7.
Here is the implementation of ModuleSearchBase in my feature/business controller
Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules
Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions
Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Search
Imports DotNetNuke.Common.Globals
Namespace Components
Public Class FeatureController
Inherits ModuleSearchBase
Implements IUpgradeable
Public Overrides Function GetModifiedSearchDocuments(moduleInfo As ModuleInfo, beginDate As Date) As IList(Of Entities.SearchDocument)
Dim SearchDocuments As New List(Of Entities.SearchDocument)
'get list of changed products
Dim vc As New ViewsController
Dim pList As List(Of vw_ProductList_Short_Active) = vc.GetProduct_Short_Active(moduleInfo.PortalID)
If pList IsNot Nothing Then
''for each product, create a searchdocument
For Each p As vw_ProductList_Short_Active In pList
Dim SearchDoc As New Entities.SearchDocument
Dim ModID As Integer = 0
If p.ModuleId Is Nothing OrElse p.ModuleId = 0 Then
ModID = moduleInfo.ModuleID
ModID = p.ModuleId
End If
Dim array() As String = {"mid=" + ModID.ToString, "id=" + p.ProductId.ToString, "item=" + Replace(p.Name, " ", "-")}
Dim DetailUrl = NavigateURL(moduleInfo.TabID, GetPortalSettings(), "Detail", array)
With SearchDoc
.AuthorUserId = p.CreatedByUserId
.Body = p.ShortInfo
.Description = p.LongInfo
.IsActive = True
.PortalId = moduleInfo.PortalID
.ModifiedTimeUtc = p.LastUpdatedDate
.Title = p.Name + " - " + p.ProductNumber
.UniqueKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
.Url = DetailUrl
.SearchTypeId = 2
.ModuleId = p.ModuleId
End With
Return SearchDocuments
Return Nothing
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
I cleared the site cache and then I manually started a search re-index. I can see from the host schedule history that the re-index is run and completes.
None of the items in the above code are added to the index. I even used the Luke Inspector to look into the lucene index and that confirms that these items are not added.
I need help figuring out why these items are not getting added or I need help on how to debug the indexing to see if anything is going run during that process.
Thanks in Advance
I ran the following procedure in Sql Server to see if the module is even listed in the search modules:
exec GetSearchModules[PortalId]
The module in question does appear in this list. The indexing is called for the featureController, but the results are not added to the lucene index. Still need help.
So I upgraded to 7.3.1 in the hopes that something during the installation would fix this issue. But it did not. The search documents are still getting created/ returned by the GetModifiedSearchDocuments function but the documents are not being added to the Lucene index and therefore do not appear in the search results.
The break point is not getting hit like i thought after the upgrade, but I added a try catch to log exceptions and the following error log is getting created when I try to manually re-index (cleaned up to keep it short)
DefaultDataProvider:DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider, DotNetNuke
InnerException:Sequence contains more than one matching element
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate)
at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.Scheduler.CoreScheduler.LoadQueueFromTimer()
at DotNetNuke.Services.Scheduling.Scheduler.CoreScheduler.Start()
Server Name: KING-PC
Okay, I fixed the problem in edit three following This Disucssion on the DNN issue tracker, but still no items being added to the lucene index.
The breakpoint is hit, and once i leave the debugger running for a while i get the following error:
{"Exception of type 'Lucene.Net.Index.MergePolicy+MergeException' was thrown."} {"Cannot overwrite: C:\websites\dnndev.me\App_Data\Search\_1f0.fdt"}
Looks like a permission error. I'll see what I can work out
J King,
I just finished a series on DNNHero.com on Implementing Search in your Module. Parts 3 and 4 are implementing and debugging your ModuleSearchBase implementation.
EDIT: Remove your assignment to the SearchTypeId in your implementation
Also, here is a sample snippet to see how i am setting the attributes of the SearchDocument. Again, watch my video for a whole bunch of other potential pitfalls in the Search implementation.
SearchDocument doc = new SearchDocument
UniqueKey = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}",
moduleInfo.ModuleDefinition.DefinitionName, moduleInfo.PortalID, item.ItemId),
AuthorUserId = item.AssignedUserId,
ModifiedTimeUtc = item.LastModifiedOnDate.ToUniversalTime(),
Title = item.ItemName,
Body = item.ItemDescription,
Url = "",
CultureCode = "en-US",
Description = "DotNetNuclear Search Content Item",
IsActive = true,
ModuleDefId = moduleInfo.ModuleDefID,
ModuleId = item.ModuleId,
PortalId = moduleInfo.PortalID,
TabId = tab