Have to create static pages using the same layout of rest of the spree commerce site. Spree_static_content is the gem I tried using. However, getting following error on bundle install.
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "spree_core":
In snapshot (Gemfile.lock):
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
In Gemfile:
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree (~> 3.3.0) was resolved to 3.3.1, which depends on
spree_core (= 3.3.1)
spree_gateway (~> 3.3) was resolved to 3.3.0, which depends on
spree_core (< 4.0, >= 3.1.0)
spree_gateway (~> 3.3) was resolved to 3.3.0, which depends on
spree_core (< 4.0, >= 3.1.0)
spree_static_content was resolved to 3.0.1, which depends on
spree_core (~> 3.0.0)
Running `bundle update` will rebuild your snapshot from scratch, using only
the gems in your Gemfile, which may resolve the conflict.
Found the solution this issue is because of dependent gem globalize with Rails 5. Add the following to your Gemfile:
gem 'globalize', git: 'https://github.com/globalize/globalize'
gem 'activemodel-serializers-xml'
Next, bundle install
and you will net the above-mentioned error in questions.