Why don't newer versions of node remove __proto__ from request body?

谁都会走 提交于 2019-12-13 18:44:29


When I send a PUT request to my express server, req.body sometimes has a __proto__ property, and other times not.

Using node 0.10.26 and express 3.2.3:

  • When I put {"a":"b", "__proto__": {}},
  • Then req.body is {"a":"b"}

Using node 4.1.0 and express 3.2.3:

  • When I put {"a":"b", "__proto__": {}},
  • Then req.body is {"a":"b", "__proto__": {}}

So newer versions of node do not strip the __proto__ property. I actually liked this behaviour; now I have to write my own middleware which strips away the property. I think this has something to do with bodyparser. The weird thing is, though, that both tests have the same version of express (and hence the same version of bodyparser).

Can anyone give any motivation as to why this was changed? What is the recommended way of resolving this?


Neither express nor node are responsible for this behavior. This has actually been changed a long time ago in V8, for compatibility and spec conformance.

  • Old behavior (__proto__ is stripped):

    > var x = JSON.parse('{"__proto__":[]}');
    > x.hasOwnProperty('__proto__');
  • New behavior (__proto__ is not stripped):

    > var x = JSON.parse('{"__proto__":[]}');
    > x.hasOwnProperty('__proto__');

Sources :

  • https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=115055
  • https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=1310


Like you said, you can write a simple middleware to strip the property yourself:

function stripProto(req, res, next) {
  delete req.body.__proto__;
// ...

