I have a a variable
var movieArray = movieText.parseJson
which is of class
class spray.json.JsArray
How do I convert it to a Sequence of case classes e.g
case class Movie(id: Int, title: String)
I tried
1. movieArray.convertTo[Seq[Movie]]
2. movieArray.map(_.convertTo[Movie])
3. for (i <- movieArray) println(i)
gives errors...
1. Cannot find JsonReader or JsonFormat type class for Seq[Movie]
2. value map is not a member of spray.json.JsValue
3. value foreach is not a member of spray.json.JsValue
Any suggestions? Help appreciated.
Correct answer https://github.com/spray/spray-json/issues/259
import spray.json._
import DefaultJsonProtocol._
var movieArray = movieText.stripMargin.parseJson
case class Movie(id: Int, title: String)
implicit val movieFormat = jsonFormat2(Movie)
Each element of movieArray will have to be converted to an object of type Movie.
Of course, the above statement depends on availability of logic to convert from Json to instance of Movie (JsonProtocol). Please refer the following for example