NHibernate Performance on an internet banking application

和自甴很熟 提交于 2019-12-13 15:22:24


Currently we have a project to implement an Internet Banking site, and we are evaluating using Nhibernate on it. ¿Is NHibernate suitable for this kind of application, where performance is important and there will be a large quantity of users doing operations simultaneously?

¿Do you know any successfull stories of using NHibernate in this kind of environment?

I think NHibernate is slow only when is used incorrectly, and I think we can use it with a lot of tweaking, best practices and common sense.

UPDATE: We were contacted for the project not too long ago, and we are still collecting requirements to define the specs. The application its for a small to medium bank in our country, so they expect around a 200 - 300 users as a top simultaneously.

Im pretty sure the DB will be in SQL Server 2005, and will be a n-tier application using webservices to access the data layer.


My team has been using NHibernate in a system requiring high throughput for years without a problem. NH is fairly efficient to begin with, and provides fine-grained control over when and how objects are reconstituted.

With that said, we don't know the specifics of your problem, so we can't make certain predictions. Perform scaling tests before you commit yourself.


NHibernate can be suitable if used correctly. But, don't pin you down on this answer, since we do not know the correct specs.

