I am able to use BitmapEncoder (C#, WinRT) to create an animated gif. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to make the GIF loop back and start from scratch?
Didn't try much because I am not sure what to try. Searched for more properties to set on the GIF, but could not find anything relative.
Okay, finally been able to figure it out. Apparently you need to add the following metdata to the GIF to get it to loop:
BitmapPropertySet properties = await encoder.BitmapProperties.GetPropertiesAsync("/appext/Data");
properties = new BitmapPropertySet()
new BitmapTypedValue(Iso8859.Default.GetBytes("NETSCAPE2.0"), Windows.Foundation.PropertyType.UInt8Array)
new BitmapTypedValue(new byte[] { 3, 1, 0, 0, 0 }, Windows.Foundation.PropertyType.UInt8Array)
await encoder.BitmapProperties.SetPropertiesAsync(properties);
If you don't have an Iso8859 in your project, simply place the ascii code for "NETSCAPE2.0" as a byte array in there.