I'm trying to translate this Scala's cats example about composing free monads.
The gist of the example seems to be the decomposition of separate concerns into separate data types:
data Interact a = Ask (String -> a) | Tell String a deriving (Functor)
data DataOp = AddCat String | GetAllCats [String] deriving (Functor)
type CatsApp = Sum Interact DataOp
Without having these two separate concerns, I would build the "language" for Interact
operations as follows:
ask :: Free Interact String
ask = liftF $ Ask id
tell :: String -> Free Interact ()
tell str = liftF $ Tell str ()
However, if I want to use ask
and tell
in a program that also uses DataOp
I cannot define them with the types above, since such a program will have type:
program :: Free CatsApp a
In cats
, for the definition of the tell
and ask
operations they use an InjectK
class, and an inject
method from Free
class Interacts[F[_]](implicit I: InjectK[Interact, F]) {
def tell(msg: String): Free[F, Unit] = Free.inject[Interact, F](Tell(msg))
def ask(prompt: String): Free[F, String] = Free.inject[Interact, F](Ask(prompt))
What puzzles me is that somehow the positional information of the functors (DataOp
is on the left, Interact
is on the right) seems to be irrelevant (which is quite nice).
Are there similar type-classes and functions that could be used to solve this problem in an elegant manner using Haskell?
This is covered in Data Types à la Carte. The Scala library you demonstrated looks like a fairly faithful translation of the original Haskell. The gist of it is, you write a class representing a relationship between a functor sup
which "contains" a functor sub
class (Functor sub, Functor sup) => sub :-<: sup where
inj :: sub a -> sup a
(These days you might use a Prism, because they can both inject and project.) Then you can use the usual technique of composing the base functors of your free monads using the functor coproduct, implement :-<:
for the two cases of Sum
instance Functor f => f :-<: f where
inj = id
instance (Functor f, Functor g) => f :-<: (Sum f g) where
inj = InL
instance (Functor f, Functor g, Functor h, f :-<: g) => f :-<: (Sum h g) where
inj = InR . inj
and make instruction sets composable by abstracting over the base functor.
ask :: Interact :-<: f => Free f String
ask = liftF $ inj $ Ask id
tell :: Interact :-<: f => String -> Free f ()
tell str = liftF $ inj $ Tell str ()
addCat :: DataOp :-<: f => String -> Free f ()
addCat cat = liftF $ inj $ AddCat cat ()
getCats :: DataOp :-<: f => Free f [String]
getCats = liftF $ inj $ GetCats id
Now you can write a program which uses both Interact
and DataOp
without making reference to a particular sum type.
myProgram :: (Interact :-< f, DataOp :-< f) => Free f ()
myProgram = ask >>= addCat
None of this is particularly better than the standard MTL approach, though.