Polymer 3 - Google Maps files missing

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-13 10:29:38


I am having the same issue as Polymer 3 - Google Maps. After reading the above thread, I seem to be missing the two files google-apis/google-maps-api.js and google-map-marker.js.

In the hope it would download all the dependent files for Google Maps I issued these commands:

npm install @em-polymer/google-map
npm install google-maps
npm install

What am I doing wrong?


This worked for me.

import { html } from '@polymer/lit-element';
    import '@em-polymer/google-map/google-map.js';
    import '@em-polymer/google-map/google-map-marker.js';
    import { PageViewElement } from './page-view-element.js';

    // These are the shared styles needed by this element.
    import { SharedStyles } from './shared-styles.js';

    class MyView1 extends PageViewElement {
      render() {
        return html`

            <h2>Static page</h2>
            <p>This is a text-only page.</p>
            <p>It doesn't do anything other than display some static text.</p>
            google-map {
              height: 600px;
          <google-map latitude="39.84143133531688" longitude="-117.4895451470561" api-key="1234"></google-map>

    window.customElements.define('my-view1', MyView1);

