I have been stumpted by the fact that apple is making the StatusBar Overlay the viewController...or the bounds of my application. Is there a way i can move the TitleBar down in the StoryBoard? or do i have to guess where to place it? I am confused on what to do, now that the move to iOS7 has come. Here is my TitleBar in the application and in the Storyboard:
How am i supposed to make this work? This is what i would like it to look like, without the green, but black.
I even tried what is in this post, but nothing helped. iOS 7 - adjusting for status bar
You need to read the document "iOS 7 UI Transition Guide". The simplest way to not let the status bar overlap the content of your view is to have a 20px high view sitting at the top of the view. That way your content won't move behind the statusbar. That being said, if you are using the UINavigationController as your "TitleBar", you shouldn't even need to add the 20px view, as the navigationcontroller takes care of it for you. All of this is in the "iOS 7 UI Transition Guide".
EDIT. For your information (or for anyone else who's struggling with this) I highly recommend looking at the "Customizing Your App’s Appearance for iOS 7" video from WWDC 2013. It is so comprehensive that it will pretty much solve all your iOS 7 UI problems.