I have a project with Cloud Composer and Cloud SQL. I am able to connect to Cloud SQL because i edited the yaml of airflow-sqlproxy-service and added my Cloud SQL instance on cloud proxy used for the airflow-db, mapping to port 3307.
The workers can connect to airflow-sqlproxy-service on port 3307 but i think the webserver can't connect to this.
Do i need to add some firewall rule to map the 3307 port so the webserver or the UI can connect to airflow-sqlproxy-service?
Best regards.
Composer does not currently support configuring additional sql proxies from the webserver. One workaround for cases like this is to have a separate DAG which loads Airflow Variables with the information needed from the other database (via the workers which do have access), then generate a DAG based on the Variable which the webserver can access.
https://github.com/apache/incubator-airflow/pull/4170 recently got merged (not currently available in Composer), which defines a CloudSQL connection type. This might work for these use cases in the future.