i have a csv file and which look like this :
- 1;53453;45847865
- 1;37567;53687686
- .
- .
- .
- . n. 1;999768;5645644
and i want to open the file , read it and then split each line to 3 tokens which will be seperated from the semicolon ....
token1 = 1;
token2 = 35435;
token3 = 75675;
the code that i have is a main which i open and read the file and a function which i take manually a string of characters and split it ...
I want to know if there is an easier way to implement this and a way to skip the first line of the file !!!!!
int main(){
char c;
FILE *fp;
char line;
float x;
float y;
printf("cannot open the file");
c = fscanf (fp, "%c", &line);
printf("%c" , line);
int TokenX(char line) {
char *id;
char *x;
char *y;
char line[] = "1;345345;765767";
char *search = ";";
id = strtok(line , search);
// printf(id);
x = strtok(NULL , search);
y = strtok(NULL , search);
int TokenY(char line) {
char *id;
char *x;
char *y;
char line[] = "1;345345;765767";
char *search = ";";
id = strtok(line , search);
// printf(id);
x = strtok(NULL , search);
y = strtok(NULL , search);
Trivial state machine:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
char token1[123];
char token2[123];
char token3[123];
unsigned nline;
int ch,state;
char *dst=token1;
for (state=0; state >=0; ) {
ch = getc(stdin);
// fprintf(stderr, "Line=%u State=%d Ch=%c\n", nline, state, ch);
switch(ch) {
case EOF :
state = -1; break;
case ';' :
if (dst) *dst = 0;
switch(state++) {
case 0: dst = token2; break;
case 1: dst = token3; break;
default: dst = NULL; break;
case '\n' :
if (dst) *dst = 0;
// if you want to skip the first line
if (state>=2 && nline> 1) printf("%s:%s:%s\n"
, token1, token2 ,token3);
state =0; dst = token1; break;
default: *dst++ = ch; break;
return 0;
You can use fscanf()
with while
. each iteration in the while loop will read a line from the file.
int token1, token2, token3;
while(fscanf(fp, " %*d . %d ; %d ; %d", &token1, &token2, &token3)>0)
printf("%d %d %d\n",token1, token2, token3);
if you wantto skip the first line then add an integr parametr and initiate to 0. When you enter in the while loop check if it's equal to 0
int token1, token2, token3;
int check = 0;
while(fscanf(fp, " %*d . %d ; %d ; %d", &token1, &token2, &token3)>0)
if(!check) {check++; continue;}
printf("%d %d %d\n",token1, token2, token3);
- If the string format of each line in your csv file looks like that
"1. 25;78;547"
than use the follwing format" %*d . %d ; %d ; %d"
in thefscanf()
- If the string format of each line in your csv file looks like that
than you have to use the follwing format" %d ; %d ; %d"
in thefscanf()